Helpful Skills
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
With so much emphasis being placed on studying hard and getting good grades in subjects like math, language arts, and science, certain skills have largely been forgotten, skills like cooking from scratch, sewing, managing the home, etc. Parents must take time to be sure their children—boys and girls alike—know some of these basic skills.
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Science with Your Hands
Tuesday, 28 October 2014 has many different science courses. Some are full year, and some provide supplemental material to enhance a curriculum you might already be using. One of these supplemental courses is Science with Jason Lindsey. Jason is the creator of “Hooked on Science” and has been sharing his exciting and engaging experiments with us for the
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Absorb, Analyze, Transform, Create
Monday, 27 October 2014
These are the topics you’ll find each week in Janice Campbell’s Writing course. After studying a particular excerpt or poem, elementary, middle school, and high school students are encouraged to analyze the work by taking a closer look and completing various activities. The third step in the process is to transform the original work using
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History Comes Alive
Saturday, 25 October 2014
From Colonial America to Imperial Russia, history comes alive on! Check out these course preview videos to see what we mean. Bonnie Rose Hudson Executive Editor The Old Schoolhouse’s® The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC Discover Asia: Its People and History at
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New Architecture Class
Friday, 24 October 2014
What is architecture? That is the question our newest course, Introduction to Architecture by Tammie Bairen, seeks to answer. Her 36-week class is perfect for middle and high school students and will look at the art and science of designing and building structures used for living, working, worshiping, visiting, and traveling. Join us as
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Grab Your Camera and Go Outside!
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Learn how to take beautiful pictures with Michele Peterson’s eight-month Photography course geared toward middle and high school students and upper elementary students with parental help. Learn the basics like aperture, shutter speed, ISO, etc., and move on to a discussion of white balance, lighting, lens length, elements of design, and flash. Specific requirements for
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Bringing Order from Chaos
Wednesday, 22 October 2014 has brought a little disorder to the mix. How can this be a good thing, you ask? Don’t worry. The disorder doesn’t last long. Daily Puzzlers is a fun way for kids to bring order from the chaos—and use some critical thinking skills. Once they retrieve the specified letter tiles from their bag of
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Geography—Around the World and Asia
Tuesday, 21 October 2014 has a number of geography courses. Some allow the student to gain an overview of our world, while others speak more specifically to a certain area. Geography with Terri Johnson is a 12-month course that looks at geography from the perspective of various historical figures and groups: St. Patrick, Sacagawea, European Settlers, and Native
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