Books, Books, Books!
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Have you ever read The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde? Despite its status as a classic children’s tale, I somehow missed reading this beautiful story until this month when I read Niki Coburn McNeil’s Lapbooking lesson on What a beautiful story! I was so touched—and surprised—by the ending I wanted to share it with
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Beauty of Language
Monday, 09 June 2014
I have been fascinated by American Sign Language for more than thirty years, ever since I watched Sesame Street as a child. To me, the language has a beauty and poetry about it that is unmatched by any other. Did you know you can take four months of ASL from Sandra Heflin, a certified interpreter
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Dig In
Saturday, 07 June 2014
Do you remember that there is a Monthly Menu available? Delicious entrees, sides, desserts, and breakfast options are provided each month. If you’re looking for a resource to help make menu planning easier, then you’ll want to come back each month for new options. Don’t forget, too, that time is running out to enjoy Stacy
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Take Advantage of the Opportunities
Friday, 06 June 2014
Hebrew is an ancient language. It was spoken by the early Jews until about 70 AD. We have the opportunity to learn this ancient language with Evonne Mandella through Hands on Hebrew. This class includes sixteen lessons which can still be accessed, though the class has finished. Pronunciation guides and various activities are included to
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The Natural World
Thursday, 05 June 2014
Patrick Nurre’s Geology class is back this month with a look at the geology of natural parks. If you’ve missed his already completed lessons, they are fully accessible through Join Yvonne Blake in Daily Discoveries as she helps us discover things in our world and look at them from a fresh perspective. With classes
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Keep It Fresh
Wednesday, 04 June 2014
Summer is often a time when our brains go on vacation even if the rest of our body doesn’t. Don’t let this happen to you! Keep your mind fresh. Test Your Knowledge, located under the Dailies tab, has an abundance of quizzes for things such as the Bill of Rights, math drills, vocabulary, explorers, science
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Can You Spell “Etiquette”?
Tuesday, 03 June 2014 has spelling lists for every age range from lower elementary through high school. Schoolhouse Spelling under the Dailies tab will take you to a page which lists each particular class, or you can find the individual classes in the list on the Dailies page. Although the spelling classes will be taking a break for
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See the Beauty
Monday, 02 June 2014
Beauty is something that pleases the senses, like sight, when we see certain types of art. Studio Art for Teens with Sharon Jeffus will be looking at some things which are almost always considered beautiful—trees and sunsets. Brenda Ellis will be teaching students through Art Techniques how to use soft pastels to create beautiful car
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