Big things are happening in Daily Grammar on!
Thursday, 20 March 2014
If you haven’t stopped by Daily Grammar lately, you’re missing tons of fun. We are currently offering: Ongoing lessons for Daily Grammar: 5th Grade. Complete lessons for Daily Grammar: 3rd-4th Grade NEW ongoing lessons for Daily Grammar: 1st Grade Plus, new quizzes are being added to the existing 3rd-4th grade grammar lessons! The excitement doesn’t
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Member Benefits Just Keep Coming!
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Each month of your first year of membership with, you can download Monthly Bonus e-Books which include Schoolhouse Thematic Units, Curiosity Files, WannaBes, and WeE-books. You’ll have nearly 150 free e-Books after a year of membership. Then there are dozens of wonderful classes available for one low price. If you and your student are
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Working with Words
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Join Adam Andrews as he reads through When the Relatives Came by Cynthia Rylant in Literature. Be sure to pick up your copy at your local library or through the bookstore so that you can follow along as he discusses the setting, the characters, the conflict that takes place, and the plot. Keep up with
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Put on Those Thinking Caps
Monday, 17 March 2014
There have been some amazing classes over the years at! When the classes are officially over, they are still available on the site. So, even if you just became a member, your students still have access to an exceptional educational opportunity. Through Carol Topp’s Career Exploration, high schoolers can still take advantage of her
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The Big Production
Saturday, 15 March 2014
How to Write and Produce a Play taught by Dr. Marci Hanks is moving into the most exciting phase—performing your play! Are you ready? Don’t worry, Dr. Hanks will provide instructions and weekly checklists to help you keep your play moving forward through your big night until after the final curtain. Don’t forget about
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Animal Studies Abound
Friday, 14 March 2014
The animal study opportunities abound this month on! I’d like to tell you about one of our newest courses, Wildlife Adventures by Kelli Becton. This course will look at a wide range of animals from the magnificent frigate bird to single-cell creatures. This new course includes science, vocabulary, Bible, copywork, spelling, and more as
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Foreign Languages
Thursday, 13 March 2014
Have your children ever wanted to learn a foreign language? has more choices than ever before for your student of any age to begin discovering another language and culture. In addition to our ongoing French lessons by Greg Shone, which are now in their second year, our elementary Spanish lessons by Carol Henderson, and
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A Trip Around the World
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Do your kids think it would be fun to travel? Use to travel without having to leave the comfort of your home. Everyday Explorers, located in the Dailies section, has traveled through the United States, Canada, and Australia and New Zealand. Exploration of these countries takes you on a detailed look at each of
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