Tell Us What You Want to See in 2014
In 2013 we’ve worked hard to bring you more than two dozen new courses; a record-keeping system, AppleCore, free for you at the site; animated books, and much more!
The team is busy behind the scenes planning a great new year of content for you and your families, and we think you’ll love some of what we have planned! (For a sneak peek, check out the list at the bottom of our Site Content page.) But we want to know—what classes and resources do YOU want to see in 2014? What features would make even better?
Send us your thoughts, ideas, and questions! Your feedback is very important to us. And, if there is a class or feature you feel you could bring to the site, we’d love to hear about it. Contact the Executive Editor of the site, Bob Irvin at
Here is some of what other members are saying:
“ has changed my life.”— Kelli Becton Boca Grande, FL
“ has simplified my planning greatly! I love going to one website and being able to print out what I need for several subjects.”— Lisa Martin, Allentown, PA
Thank you for being part of what makes such a special place. May you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Bonnie Rose Hudson
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC
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