Thank You Lord

An old Don Moen song resonates with me when I say, “Thank you, Lord.” It’s so easy to sing this during family worship time or hum along to it when I’m taking some time to myself. Then, I feel the truth of the words, the gratitude overflowing. But how the feeling dims, when the living room’s a mess again, and the kids are fighting, and my baby’s facing surgery, and…well, it isn’t so easy to feel thankful. Life’s distractions are many, and they do their level best to keep my focus on them. Ridiculous, really, how easily I forget Him, forget that this difficult season won’t stretch to fill eternity. I’m realizing that in these moments I must choose to be grateful—no matter what. “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (I Thessalonians 5:18, ESV). Thankfulness isn’t always felt, at least at first, but like a seed, it can grow. That seed is the choice, a decision to thank the Lord in the midst of the struggle knowing He’s working. Thanking the Lord should be the anthem of my heart—a strong, steady internal gratitude that quiets worry, strengthens faith, and awakens worship.“I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds” (Psalm 9:1, ESV).
Thankfulness quiets worry. When I take time to thank the Lord for what He has done, I’m no longer focused on mishaps or life’s trials because my heart is toward the One who is in control of my future. Lord, thank you for Your sacrifice on my behalf! Thank you for using all circumstances for good.
Thankfulness strengthens faith. Choosing gratitude opens my heart to trust—to believe and know that God is good. It is a form of surrender, being willing to admit I don’t know the purpose for everything, but He does. Thank you Lord that Your ways are above mine. Thank you that I can trust Your goodness no matter what!
Thankfulness awakens worship. Proper gratitude is a vehicle of true worship. Conversely, without gratitude, I cannot worship. When I’m thankful for all He’s done, my gratitude deepens and matures into a thankfulness for who He is. This is worship. Oh, Lord, You alone are sovereign and mighty to save, my wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Alpha and Omega, the Author and Finisher of my faith! How could I say this without gratitude rising within me? “I give thanks to you, O Lord my God… I will glorify your name forever.” (Psalm 86:12, ESV)
Nancy Leigh Demoss shares in her excellent book Choosing Gratitude that gratitude “is one of the chief ways God infuses joy and resilience into the daily struggle of life.” Dear Reader, may gratitude for the Lord Himself encourage you—quieting worry, strengthening faith, and awakening worship. I pray that the Lord’s peace will surround you this season, and, no matter what, you’ll choose to be grateful.
Carole Ruffin is wife to Jesse and mom of five wonderful kids. She’s the author of Kids, Crayons, and Christ early elementary art curriculum, and also a graduate of the Cleveland Institute of Art. She blogs about practical ways to include art in every subject, and also creative ways to teach older kids when you have a new baby. Here’s her blog: