Hey Mama,
Take a look at some articles from the magazine to help you teach grammar:
Need more ideas? Visit www.TOSMagazine.com. On the far left is a search button. Click it, and then enter “grammar.” Follow the links to the articles.
Now for some encouragement …
May your children rise up and call you blessed. That’s in Proverbs 31 as you know. Sometimes you look at that and think, yeah right. It’s hard to see all the monkeys who constantly make bad decisions and who you are always having to pull down off the walls. Popcorn. These kids are Mexican jumping beans, and I can’t even imagine them right now as adults, in their 40s like me, one day. To see them a productive, with their own kids, loving the Lord and acting responsibly.
But God’s word has principles that we can count on. Raise them up in the Lord. Hide God’s word in their hearts. Obey Christ and make Him the Lord of your own life. The faithful prayers of a Mama like you … it’s not all in vain. It just isn’t.
Wait on the Lord. He has a plan. He hears your cries and He knows the longings of your heart. He also sees that your greatest desire is for your children to walk with Him. No greater joy … no jewel or gold can come close to the value of having a child who clings to the God of the universe, the God over all gods: Jesus Christ.
He sees your desire for this. He will not disappoint. Keep praying, keep walking, and hold out for His plan. You will not be shaken. His hand is on your head, and He gave you these kids for a reason. Trust Him.
May they rise up–all of them–and call you blessed. And may they be blessed by the King of kings, the Lord of lords. May they follow Him all the days of their lives. What comfort! What blessing! Joy is in the morning, Mama. Keep walking.
~ gena
A Few Words by Dr. Wanda C. Phillips of Easy Grammar Systems
Most think of grammar only in terms of parts of speech. It, actually, has four components: syntax, orthography, etymology, and prosody. Syntax deals with sentence structures and parts of speech. Orthography addresses sounds, syllables, and words. Etymology deals with classification, derivation, and modification of words. Prosody addresses rules for verses. Who knew that analyzing poetry in literature or writing poetry is categorized within grammar?
Parents, typically, ask when, why, and how they should teach grammar. The appropriate time for instruction and the rationale for teaching it are interrelated. You may be surprised to learn that you began teaching grammar when you first spoke to your infants. Growing into toddlers, children assimilated your language usage. Their brain synapses were busy “sparking” to embed learning. As they learned, your usage–correct or incorrect–became theirs. Plus, that usage became so engrained that it sounded right to them and to you. We teach grammar to provide tools for speaking well and for understanding how our language works.
This leads to the question of how grammar should be taught. Educators disagree. Some teach it within the context of writing; others prefer a formal approach with specific lessons. The latter are frequently proponents of Dr. Maxwell Maltz’s learning theory that credits cyclical learning for ensuring mastery understanding. Parents, obviously, choose the curriculum that reflects their beliefs.
Regardless of your choice of a formal or mini-lesson approach, parents want assurance that their present usage is correct. Easy Grammar’s Guide for Parents: Improve Your Grammar in Minutes will help you determine this in minutes–in the privacy of your home. After assessing your usage, Dr. Phillips guides you in completing only lessons that you need. Easy explanations and strategies for memorable learning help readers to change their vernacular. Parents improve their usage, and children learn, too!
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