Raising Real Men
Yeah, definitely, the “H” in homeschooling is for humor, because if you don’t laugh you’ll cry. Like the time you fling open the door of the family van in front of strangers and “The Excretory System” song blares out of the speakers. Or the time the nice lady in the store asks your son if he likes homeschooling and he says, “Sure! We don’t have to do anything!” Please say you’ve been there, too.
Then there was the day we were reading our guys a book about France. “That must be Omaha Beach! You know, like D-Day,” he said, pointing to a photo of sunbathers at a beach. “Why, honey?” He looked shocked, “Just look at all the dead people!” No, we hadn’t been to the beach in a long time.
Have you ever noticed how they hate to do school unless you suggest the family take a day to clean house? If you try to take a spring-cleaning day, you’ll be met with the biggest guilt trip you’ve ever seen, “But, don’t you care if I ever get into college? I don’t this is a responsible thing to do. I have schoolwork to do! Don’t you care?” Um, yeah. More than you usually do, son.
Then there are the funny times you feel brilliant. One year when the first day of school rolled around, we made quite a big deal about giving each child their books and telling them some of what they’d be learning that year. Our toddler got more and more antsy and when we got to the end said, “So, what I gonna learn this year?” The light bulb went on and Melanie said, “You could learn to go potty! We have rewards for that!” He was potty-trained two days later. No, our kids aren’t competitive at all.
And do the characters in your life get even weirder when they find out how much your children love to learn? Like the orthodontist that gives your child a lecture about the chemistry behind the molds they make and then sends him home with a bucket full of the glop? Or the wag of an oral surgeon who grabs the nurse’s arm during the procedure and says, “Nurse, nurse, look at this! Are those his brains?” You should have seen that kid’s face!
It’s a pretty strange life alright–and pretty wonderful! Keep laughing and take notes. We tell our kids they’re going to make a fortune off of their autobiographies. They’ll have more outrageous stories than the guy who wrote Cheaper by the Dozen. We’re sure of it.
Your friends,
Hal & Melanie
PS. If you want to hear us speak near you, now’s the time to let us know! We’re planning our travels for June through the fall and we may be passing right through your area. It’s a great way to have us come to your church or support group cheaper than you ever imagined! Click here to let us know you want to talk about it …
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