When the question is asked, “Can I teach EVERYTHING” the answer I give is, “Yes, you can teach EVERYTHING … and no, you can’t teach EVERYTHING.”
The truth is if your kid needs to be taught it, you can teach it. You may not be an expert in every area, but you can direct him in the right direction. There are online and DVD helps as well. So in a very real and practical way, you CAN teach everything in your homeschool.
However, just as true is that you CAN’T teach everything. You only have a certain amount of hours in each day, and you just can’t get to everything. I know some moms who get excited about teaching first aid to their children and then worry about how to fit it in to the rest of their very full schedule. It never dawns on them that they have the authority and opportunity to teach first aid INSTEAD of something else.
The same goes for any other subject. If you want to teach welding, then your child might not be able to do geography. If you want to teach sports, then he might not be able to do music. If you want to do music, then he may not be able to do art. If you want to do welding, sports, music, and art … then he may not be able to do geography, spelling, and history. Because you CAN’T teach EVERYTHING.
Did I make myself clear? I didn’t think so.
So … just be real,
PS. Tonight I’m speaking in Cabool, MO. If you live nearby, stop in a for a night of encouragement and laughter. Friday, I’ll be in Broken Arrow, OK, Saturday; Tyler, TX; and then Dallas/Fort Worth and College Station, TX on Monday/Tuesday. For more details, click here.