What do you do with the littles, everywhere underfoot? Pray a lot and keep a good sense of humor, right? (Grin) When you’re teaching big kids and have little ones, too, you can suddenly find yourself juggling a lot of plates. But the Lord is faithful and He will help you get done what needs to be done. All your kids will benefit from learning how to work together as a family.
Read this and take it to heart. One day your little monkey-cracker-jack-monster-boy will be in his forties. You are going to look back on THESE DAYS NOW with warmth, longing, and desire to have them all back in your arms. So take a deep breath; in the big picture, this is ALL GOOD.
Cherish today, Mama.
Enjoy the little things in the now …
~ gena
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Cost: $0 until Jan 18th when it reverts back to full price. Get it HERE!
Dr. James Dobson

As a homeschooling parent, you invest so much into training up the next generation. But are you actively investing in your marriage, as well? We hope you’ll appreciate this valuable reminder from Dr. Dobson…
Never Take Your Marriage for Granted
We have discussed the importance of being intentional about investing time in your spouse. Of equal importance is attitude. An attitude of service and sacrifice–the “I’m Third” philosophy–is an indisputable marriage builder.
Jesus gave us a classic example of service when He washed His disciples’ feet and told them to do the same for one another. Is it time for some symbolic “foot washing” in your marriage? Try it!
Each of us has a heartfelt need to be honored and respected. All too often, however, we take our spouses for granted.
Your partner is a jack-of-all-trades who brings a host of skills to your marriage: provider, short-order cook, nurse, counselor, financial planner, gardener, arbiter of sibling disputes, spiritual leader, comforter, and much more. We encourage you to show your appreciation for these talents and services. Tell your wife how much you enjoy her cooking. Send your husband to work with a note praising him for his good judgment with the family budget. In front of guests, compliment her taste in home decor and his wise guidance of the children.
If we don’t make our mate feel honored and respected, we may find our partner looking for recognition somewhere else.
Scripture is clear regarding this matter. The apostle Paul says, “Honor one another above yourselves” (Romans 12:10). There’s no better place to apply this verse than in your home–with the husband or wife sitting next to you.
If you’re the father in the home, I encourage you to remind your kids how hard their mother works and how wonderful she is. And if you’re the mother, praise your husband’s courage and principles in front of the children. Kids will quickly recognize and mirror the respect fathers and mothers give each other. Showing honor now will pay off for years to come.
For over 30 years, Dr. James Dobson has been America’s trusted source for psychologically sound, biblically based advice to help strengthen marriages, parents and families. Receive Dr. Dobson’s FREE resources for your family at: www.drjamesdobson.org/homeschool
First-ever Home School Spring Break, this year at Navarre Beach.
Check our site for special rates, events, itineraries and other details.
Relational Homeschooling

Dear Friends,
As homeschooling parents, we can view our little ones in various ways:
- Preschoolers (How many subjects are we supposed to teach in preschool???)
- Interrupters (How are we supposed to teach our older kids when littles are underfoot???)
- Exhausters (How are we to get homeschool AND housework done when these littles need so much attention???)
There’s a lot of pressure on you right now if you have little ones. There may be expectations that you can produce a child prodigy through an accelerated educational approach.
“Wow! Your son reads Shakespeare and he’s only FOUR???”
There’s a lot of pressure on you right now if you have both little ones and older ones. There may be expectations that your older kids should accomplish more (and faster) since they are homeschooled–so little ones must not be allowed to interrupt the schedule and the pace.
“Wow! Your daughter is studying calculus in seventh grade????”
There’s a lot of pressure on you right now if you’re homeschooling. There may be expectations to have a perfect house, perfectly clothed children, perfectly prepared meals, perfectly taught students, all while monitoring active little ones.
“Wow! You have it all, don’t you??? I’m so envious of how easy it is for you homeschooling moms!!!”
If they only knew …
There is another way to look at your little ones during this time in your life:
- a treasured gift and a delightful addition to your family.
If we were to receive an exquisitely valuable, thoughtfully chosen gift by someone who deeply loves us, we would treat it with honor and care, right? It would be a constant reminder of that love and of the gift-giver.
Now, we all know that children are a gift from God. The challenge is holding onto that reality in the midst of everyday life, especially when your two youngest just dumped all of the flour and sugar onto your clean kitchen floor! This longer article might help–especially as you regularly rehearse in your mind that they are
Finally, these little ones are a delightful addition to your family (even if they are currently colicky and you’re not sleeping nights!). Part of your homeschool lesson plans are now “cuddle with baby,” “play with toddler,” and “model for older kids how to cherish younger ones.” Enjoy the opportunities of getting to know them, discovering more and more about each amazing new person in your family.
Remember, stay relational.
P.S. Be sure to check out today’s new vlog, especially if you have secretly wondered, “Why can’t my kids be more like ME????”
The Familyman

At this moment, I’m sitting in my nice, quiet office a couple of stories below our school room which I’m pretty sure isn’t quiet. In fact, sometimes it gets really loud when you combine uninterested children and a mom who is trying to get their attention.
I know sometimes my frazzled wife forgets how good she has it. All she can see is the chaos and the seeming lack of learning that’s taking place. What she forgets is that the sound of chaos is really the best part of homeschooling and that boatloads of learning are really taking place. One day, she really is going to miss all of it.
That brings me back to the topic at hand: what to do with the little ones who are underfoot?
My advice: enjoy them, this season of life, and all the loudness, because one day, all too soon, your young children will be scarce, retreat to their own lives and interests, and you’ll wish they were underfoot once more.
With that, have a great day of homeschooling and family.
One more thing before I go. Help your husband start the year off right by signing him up for the Familyman Weekly: a real and hilarious look at everything dad. Don’t worry there won’t be any preaching…just one normal dad encouraging other normal dads in the best job there is–fathering. If it’s any indication from the emails I receive daily from dads all over the globe, this will be the one email he’ll look forward to each week (plus it’s short). Sign your husband up right now.
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One membership to SchoolhouseTeachers.com serves your entire family, regardless of how many children you are homeschooling or their ages. There are no per-child fees or additional fees for textbooks, and courses are not live, so you can start them at any time. If you or someone you know is interested in teaching a class on our site, please contact Executive Editor Bonnie Rose Hudson at bhudson@theoldschoolhouse.com.
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Contest Corner
For the month of January 2016
As parents, all of us wish to point to worthy heroes as examples to our children. Sadly, our culture seldom promotes those values and character qualities that one can pronounce as “heroic.” If this has been a concern in your heart you will undoubtedly find the Schoolhouse Crew’s newest review encouraging.
YWAM Publishing is a company that desires to provide quality literature that promotes prayer, discipleship, evangelism and mercy ministries. Their books introduce us to men and women that have been heroes throughout history. Rather than list facts and events, YWAM Publishing’s team of authors have enveloped their readers in the true character and sacrifice of their subjects.
The Crew had the privilege of reviewing books from two series of the YWAM catalog. The Heroes of History Series feature political figures such as Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and Ronald Reagan. The Christian Heroes: Then & Now Series of books focuses on those men and women who have devoted their lives to answer God’s call. Missionaries like Amy Carmichael and Jim Elliot are featured.
YOU can WIN this the Heroes of History book, John Adams: Independence Forever, and the Unit Study Curriculum Guide CD to go with it!
TO ENTER: Email Heather (hmader@thehomeschoolmagazine.com) with your name, mailing address, and phone number for contact purposes, with the subject line, “ John Adams Set” for a chance to win* it for your family!
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Dunwoody, GA
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Everett, WA
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