By Ann Voskamp
“And God was pleased, because that sacrifice was like sweet perfume to him.” Ephesians 5:2
Snuggled in on the couch, children all tucked around me, I set into our read-aloud. Soon we were lost in the Kansas prairie. But as we headed out across a plain, I looked up to see our 6 year old Josh holding his nose in disgust.
“Whatever that smell is, it ain’t pretty!” he nasally declared.
Like Dorothy of Oz, I soon wasn’t in Kansas anymore, but back to reality. After nearly a decade of tracking down that scent, I knew what I was in for. Laying the read-aloud aside, I whisked crawling baby Kai off the floor and to the changing table.
“I can get a clean diaper for you, Mom. Can I get the change of clothes out for Kai?” Josh was already busy gathering up the needed supplies.
I smiled. In spite of the foul odor, I smelled something sweet–—the giving actions of Joshua.
Before leaving the changing table, I grabbed the air freshener and spritzed Josh’s shirt. Josh giggled. His sweet-loving aroma wafted wherever he went—-reminding us both of his giving heart.
I wonder what my aroma is today? In the midst of diapers and books and couches full of kids, I yearn to be a beautiful perfume onto my Lord. Giving a little more–reading one more chapter to anxious ears. Sacrificing a bit more–helping trace out one more line of “p’s”. Encouraging a tad more—“Way to go, Caleb! A perfect math sheet! God so can use a boy like you!”
The perfume of a homeschooling mom’s heart of sacrifice.
Prayer: “Lord, cause me not to be a stench unto you today with an angry attitude, harsh words and self-righteous actions….but may the aroma of selfless, serving words and deeds waft sweetly wherever I go.”
Ann Voskamp’s answering machine sums it up: “We’re out raising corn, kids and lots of pigs!” She and her husband, their 5 blessed children, and several hundred sows make their home on a Canadian farm.