By Kim Wolf
Job 36:22 – “God is exalted in his power, Who is a teacher like him?”
James 5:1 – “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.”
Well, here we go. For most of us it’s time to sharpen those pencils, open the packages of new pens and art supplies and let the kids pick out their new folders for the new school year. I know that many vary their school schedules and many homeschool all year ‘round…but most of the families I know loosely follow the well-worn quarters of Fall, Winter and Spring for their school calendars.
Once more I watch as the neighborhood kids are bussed off and away. Those big yellow creatures just seem to swallow them up. I am especially sad for the little ones, the newest little ones who will now be separated from Mommy for a large chunk of the day. Does that seem wrong to anyone else but me? It breaks my heart. This is not the way it was supposed to be. Didn’t God clearly say, “These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” (Deut. 6:6 & 7)? How could I do that if I had sent my children away?
Could a teacher at a school possibly love my students as much as me? Could they love my children, teach my children, nurture my children as I do…or as much as God, the Master Teacher loves, teaches and nurtures them? He teaches us how to teach and nurture them: at home, when we’re walking, when we’re traveling, when we’re lying down with them having those wonderful heart-to-hearts at bedtime and then, to start all over again in the morning. How can I do that if they are away from me all day being influenced by others?
How can I be like my Master Teacher? By asking for wisdom. My heart goes out to those of you who are embarking on this great adventure for the first time this year. My best advice is to pray, take a deep breath and then just relax as you begin. Don’t make things so hard on yourself. In a few weeks you will be amazed at how natural this feels. From time-to-time, you will come upon a road block. When that happens, go to the Master Teacher…He’s already promised that He will generously give you wisdom if you ask.
Part of the answer may be found in a support group. If at all possible in your area, find one and join. If you, or your children, come across a problem it’s highly likely that someone in your group has “been there, done that” and knows just how to help you solve your problem. You see, they’ve studied under the Master Teacher, too.
Don’t forget to keep up with your studies…your Bible study…because “everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.” (Luke 6:40)
What better teacher than the Master Teacher?