Interview with a Homeschooling Mom/Grandmother

Learn about the homeschooling experiences of Jacqueline Gagne. She homeschooled her two grown children and is now homeschooling her 8-year-old granddaughter. She resides in Grand Manan, New Brunswick, and regularly travels to Moncton, New Brunswick, with her granddaughter. Since she is homeschooling, this is easy to do. The curriculum travels with them wherever they go!
Jacqueline shares about homeschooling her now-grown children and her first year teaching her granddaughter in academics and faith.
TCS: How long have you been homeschooling?
Jacqueline: 17 years, on and off. First with my children and now with my granddaughter.
TCS: Have the children always been homeschooled? If not, why did you remove them from public schools?
Jacqueline: No, they have not always been homeschooled. With my son, he went to public school until grade 3. Then he went back to public school in grade 7. My daughter started homeschooling in grade 4 but went back into public school in grade 8. The reason they went back that year was because my daughter wanted to be able to wear a gown and go to prom. It was a big thing in Ontario where we lived. So, my daughter went to public school at that point, but my son was still homeschooled. He was very smart and soaring academically but becoming an introvert and a loner so I decided to put him in public school starting in grade 10. This was the best thing I could do for him socially as he made a lot of friends.
Now I am homeschooling my granddaughter for her first year. She is in grade 3 but was in public school until this year. Her parents took her out as they did not like the unbiblical lifestyles that are taught as normal in the schools. As Christians, this was simply not acceptable.
TCS: What curriculum do you currently use?
Jacqueline: Abeka, and that is what I used for my children as well.
TCS: What things do you like best about homeschooling?
Jacqueline: As her grandmother, I am able to instill into her a more godly character. I find this has helped her grow both spiritually and academically.
TCS: Do you have a set routine, or is it more relaxed? Do you do classic, Charlotte Mason, unschooling, etc?
Jacqueline: She needs a set routine to do her best work. So we are definitely doing classic learning.
TCS: Do you find homeschooling makes your relationship closer?
Jacqueline: Yes, unequivocally so. It has bonded us more. We have grown closer and continue to do so.
TCS: What are the pros of homeschooling?
Jacqueline: My granddaughter is becoming more like me as a human being. I know who I am in Christ, and this allows me to instill my values with God into her. It also allows her to have room to grow and learn in the ways that are easiest and most suitable to her with her learning styles.
TCS: What are the cons?
Jacqueline: The only con I have is loneliness as she does not have enough friends. She is new to New Brunswick this year so we have been attending Homeschool Events to try to find her a group of friends her age.
TCS: What is one tip that you would give to someone that is looking to start homeschooling?
Jacqueline: It most definitely would be to trust God and realize that He has given you everything you need to be able to do this. Do not ever doubt that you are qualified enough! Just by loving your children and wanting the best for them, you are already qualified enough. The Lord would not lead you to it if He would not see you through it! Pray and lean on Him at all times and everything will soar from there.
TCS: Thank you so much, Jacqueline, for agreeing to take time out of your busy, hectic schedule to speak with us today on the subject of homeschooling.
We hope this is helpful for those looking into homeschooling to realize the flexibility of home education and encourages those already on the homeschooling journey.