They say hindsight is 20/20. I am starting to believe it.
The real question is, are you going to learn from your mistakes?
Over the last few years I’ve discovered rolling into this time of the year I am exhausted! We’ve switched homeschool programs at least 4 times, are still working out the kinks in our new schedule, I’ve picked up a few more clients and a puppy at home.
I’d love to say with the holidays coming, life is going to slowly drift into a slower pace but that “20/20” thing reminds me it’s not.
Mistakes are only worth it if I learn from them. I’ll be taking a break this winter. Will you join me?
Knowing when to take a break and when to power through is not so much of a black and white decision as much as reflecting on the needs of your own family.
Each family has its own rhythm and own pace. But I do have one question to ask that allows me to make the right decision for me.
“At the end of the day, what will I regret not getting done?”
I love this question.♥
It works really well for when you are pulled in two directions at once.
It makes me sit back and really focus on what is important.
What are my goals? What are my reasons for doing all this hard work in the first place?
I not only homeschool two teenagers but I also work both inside the home and outside the home.
Which means that not all of my life is my own to run. I have a boss and clients to answer too. But it also means that I need to make wise decisions in the areas of my life I DO control.
But, when I focus on why I am working and why I homeschool it helps me make the right choices.
I decided this year I need a break. My why is to build strong bonds with my family.
We’ll be taking a learning break this winter. A “learning” break is when you step away from more scheduled learning.
Ditch the textbooks and workbooks and dig out some projects that you haven’t found time to do. Drag out some family games, yummy snacks, and just chill.
Read some great books together, take a nature hike and enjoy each others company.
I’ll be focusing on having fun with my kids. Connecting and having meaningful conversations as a family.
Did you know? Taking a break from your routine is needed!
Taking a break actually fits in both.
We need to take a break to allow ourselves and our family to rest, de-stress and unwind. Breaks also help keep the burnout at bay.
We want to take a break because doing the same stuff day in and day out week after week boring and tiresome.
How to tell if you need a break:
Ask yourself these 5 questions:
There are also great benefits for taking a break in your homeschool.
Here are just 5 of them:
Give yourself and your family some time off from your “regular” schedule. You will be glad you did.
Hello, My name is Jen and I am the writing voice, blogger, and coffee drinker behind Practical, By Default. I help working parents balance career, home, and homeschooling by providing practical tips and solutions. I warmly invite you to learn more here.