Homeschooling can be quite the adventure when it comes to being creative. Your family needs to search out ideas and plans for fun and learning that fits your unique style. This can be very challenging at times.
Recently, my 12-year-old came up with a simple but very cute idea of how to recycle those socks that every home has - the one that has no match!
For this craft, you will need socks, a glue gun, pom poms, eyes, pipe cleaner, stuffing (we used plastic bags as a way of recycling them), and any other item you may have laying around the house.
I have included a picture of her and my granddaughter and their beautiful finished product.
I hope your family will enjoy this as much as ours did!
DIY Sock Bunnies
You will need:
- Socks
- Plastic bags or any other type of filling
- Eyes
- 2 rubber bands
- Buttons
- Fabric marker
- Needle and thread
- Pom poms
- A glue stick
- Pipe cleaners
- Take the sock and stuff it with the plastic bags, cotton balls, or whatever you choose. (Leave about 1/4 of the sock empty.)
- Get one rubber band and put it where you want the neck to be. Take the other rubber band and put it near the top where the stuffing has ended.
- Attach the eyes, button nose, and mouth. (She drew it on then sewed that shape.)
- Cut down the middle of the empty part at the top. Then sew the part on each side that was cut, put some stuffing in (We cut up a plastic bag.), then sew the top closed. You now have two ears.
- You can add a tail. She used a pom pom and sewed it on the backside.
- You can be creative and use the pipe cleaners for arms. Also if you have another sock, cut off the toe part then sew it in half. Leave a gap to stuff then sew it closed.
- Sew it onto the bottom, and you now have feet.
Tammy is a homeschooling mom who also works for the Canadian division of The Old Schoolhouse®. She resides in Moncton, New Brunswick, in Atlantic Canada. She is currently homeschooling, alongside her husband, their 12-year-old daughter and also has a grown 23-year-old daughter with a very sweet 4-year-old granddaughter. Her passions in life are serving the Lord, ministering to her family and reaching out to the homeless community.