Family Activity of a Family of Caterpillars

Here is a great craft that you can do on the go, anytime and anyplace you happen to be. The other thing that is nice is that you are actually recycling an egg carton and saving on waste. While this is a very simple craft, it's a great activity for kids of all ages to do together and see how the older children can be creatively challenged to lengthen the caterpillar, use different materials for dramatic effect, and paint with intricate detail and embellishment! The family activity of a family of caterpillars - and yes even parents should create the Mama and Daddy caterpillar to add to the mix.
You Will Need:
- An egg carton
- Paint
- Paint brushes
- Pipe cleaners
- Googly eyes
- Scissors
- Black permanent marker
- Hot glue gun or just school glue
Basic Directions:
- Cut the egg carton down the middle and then cut so that you have four spots to use. Each carton will make two of these.
- Starting at the second row, put holes in each side of the caterpillar body. This will be where the legs stick through.
- On the first row, you will put a hole on each side up on top. This is for the antennas to stick through.
- Paint and decorate with any colours that you want the caterpillar to be. Let it dry before continuing.
- Cut 3 pipe cleaners in half, then make the 6 to the length you want the legs to be. Make sure you add a bit extra that will be underneath.
- Stick them through the leg holes and then add glue to keep them into place.
- Cut another pipe cleaner into 2 antennas, leaving a bit extra for the underneath inside. Put them through the 2 holes in the head. Add glue to keep them in.
- When the glue dries, bend the legs a bit and make antennas with the head ones.
- Take some glue and put two googly eyes on his face.
- Use the permanent marker to draw on a mouth.
Use these basic directions for the simplest caterpillar creation. Older kids and adults are "required" to add their own unique flair and come up with a caterpillar creation process that challenges and engages their imagination.
Enjoy your beautiful caterpillar!