Canada History Buffs

The History of Health Care in Canada
The history of health care in Canada is varied and has been filled with many interesting developments, people, and organizations. From the founding of organizations such as the Canadian Red Cross and St. John’s Ambulance to the first Canadian women doctors, the history of Canada’s health care over more than two centuries is full of facts to know about and learn. Also covered is how people took care of health in the past outside of organized systems.

Reliving Canada’s Gold Rush in Barkerville, BC
Barkerville is located in central (or northern, depending on where you live) British Columbia. It is a community set back in time east of the town of Quesnel. Spend a day at Barkerville, and try your hand at panning for gold as well as experience the feel of a historical town, learn about the time of the gold rush, and visit some stores from this time period.

Learn About Historical Halifax
Halifax is the beautiful capital city of Nova Scotia. As it is one of Canada’s eastern port cities, it is the hub of the east. International flights go in and out of here, as well as the Halifax Naval Yard. Halifax is on one of the deepest and largest ice free harbours in the world, making it the most important commercial port on the Canadian Atlantic.

The Christian Roots of Canada’s History: Government Godliness
At my 45 years of age, I remember when every day at public (government-run) school the Lord’s Prayer and O Canada is what started us off. I’m not sure when that stopped, but I believe public education went downhill quickly when it did. While I thought that in this day and age all indications of God or a slight mention of His hand in Canada’s government history were long gone, I was amazed to find that some of our parliament buildings still hold a remarkable honour to God.

A Homeschooler’s Favourite Resources on History with a Christian Worldview
History is one of the topics and subjects more easily covered via homeschool than a traditional schooling model. The reason for this is that the consistency of parental teaching means consistency in the teaching of history and a Christian worldview. It is much easier to cover history chronologically and to focus on how certain threads tie throughout history when there is consistency. As believers, we cannot study history without considering Biblical history as well. If we believe in creation and that the Bible is true, those events are woven throughout world history.

Studying History with A Biblical Worldview
History can best be described as a bunch of facts and dates in the past. It is agreed that studying history is beneficial to shaping our future. However, sometimes what we find from one source does not line up with what the Bible teaches or what other perspectives are on history. While there are facts, dates and other information to know, we find that not everyone agrees on what those are.

A Brief History of the British North America (BNA) Act, Canadian Bill of Rights, and Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
On July 1, 1867, the colonies of Upper and Lower Canada – later the provinces of Ontario and Quebec – along with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick united to form the Dominion of Canada, by the British North America (BNA) Act coming into effect, and became the first four provinces of Canada.

An Easter Tradition Recipe and Family Time
Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The story starts on Palm Sunday with the Triumphant entrance of Jesus in Jerusalem and follows events leading to His crucifixion and burial on Good Friday. On Easter Sunday (the third day after his death), Jesus rose from the dead as He prophesied. This celebration helps Christians remember that we have eternal life with God because Jesus paid the price of our sins.