Long-Lasting Refrigerator Batter: The Rolls Edition

Some people talk about what candle scent they’re burning this week, or what air freshener is their favourite. I’ve never been drawn to those, though, because I grew up in a house where the warm aroma of fresh baking welcomed you at the door. After all, who needs an apple cider doughnut wax tart when Momma’s busy making doughnuts?
One of Mom’s most homey recipes was a very versatile one: her refrigerator rolls. Throughout the week of fridge storage, this dough would become cinnamon rolls, pigs-in-a-blanket, pizza, bread and (of course) rolls. We loved the variety—you never knew what twist Mom would surprise us with. I think that was her hobby—taking a tight-budget grocery list and pleasing a bunch of little people inordinately with her creativity. (I’ll never forget the cheese rolls.)
This recipe is not one that you’d want to use right away. (The proportion of salt, sugar and yeast is larger than normal—as refrigeration slows the active properties.) There certainly are two-week recipes online, but Mom never kept this dough longer than eight-or-nine days. (We had big appetites.)

Long-Lasting Refrigerator Batter: The Rolls Edition
- 3 pkg. active dry yeast
- 3 cups warm water
- 3/4 cup sugar
- a little more than 1/3 cup butter (about 6 tablespoons)
- 2-1/4 tsp. salt
- 2 beaten eggs
- about 9 cups flour
Sprinkle yeast over warm water in a large bowl.
When dissolved, blend in sugar, MELTED butter, salt and beaten eggs.
Add about 4 cups of flour and stir. Keep adding flour until the dough is
no longer sticky and can be shaped into a ball.
Put in a greased bowl, turning the dough so that the greased part of the
dough is facing up. Let rise until double the size.
Put into a tight-lidded bowl for storage in fridge for a week (or a little
better). You can also double-bag it to take up less room. Tie a
good tight knot in each bag, and don't use zipper storage bags unless you like
A Mother-Daughter Duo
Lauri Lou Jones, Sr., is a Nova Scotia mom of thirteen, with both homeschooling experience and kitchen finesse. Her oldest daughter, Lauri Lou Jones, Jr., misses that bountiful kitchen and is slowly collecting her mom’s recipes. In addition to sharing a name, they also share a sweet tooth (especially for carbs and chocolate) and a deep respect for home education.