Canadian Missionaries: Jobs, Projects, and Calling

Mission work is part of what we are told to do throughout Scripture, whether to "go and make disciples" or to "care for widows and orphans" or to "love your neighbour." Canadian missionaries, whether they consider what they do to be a job, project, or calling, are doing their part to spread the gospel and show others God's love. Sometimes we can get caught up thinking that we need to go overseas, to a third world country, or to somewhere dangerous to be a missionary, but there are many missionary jobs both home and abroad.
You never know where the Lord might call you to go, or what He may ask you to do for Him. In oversees mission, you will hear from a man who has spent years as a missionary oversees. In "YWAM - Youth with a Mission," you will read about a family who answered God's call and moved to California to take part in the Discipleship Training School that is a part of YWAM. They loved it so much they ended up staying and becoming instructors. If you're looking for ways to be involved in missions from home, "Local Mission Work with One Hope Canada" tells you how families are doing just that in Eastern Canada. You can search for a similar group in your area. The Atlantic Regional Director shares his journey through local missions over his life that led him to the role he fills today. Often, service in your local community can be a wonderful gateway into a heart for missions. You can find tips for getting your kids involved in community service by reading "An Ongoing Discovery of Community Service."
Be sure to scroll down to see all the helpful content on mission work and calling, and don't miss the More For You section that has additional resources to gain more insight on this theme.

Have you ever considered missionary work? Have you felt a tugging at your heart to be more involved in helping others? As homeschoolers, we have the opportunity to be a part of many projects, both locally and abroad, to meet the needs of those around us. For some homeschoolers, teaching their children at home was a necessity because they were already doing missionary work abroad. Others have decided after finishing high school to go off on missionary trips as a post-secondary option.
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Do you believe God has a bigger dream for your family than what you are experiencing? In 2014, our family began a journey into something I never dreamed we would do. We had everything the world tells us we should desire – good jobs, beautiful home, healthy family, and a surplus of extras that were not necessary but fun. Even so, there was something missing; we knew there had to be more to life than just this. We loved Jesus, were involved in church, had family around — our lives should have been fulfilled.
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The ministry of One Hope Canada has 40 Bible Camps across Canada. Originally the ministry was called the Canadian Sunday School Mission (CSSM), sending children’s ministry missionaries to the far reaches of Canada to present the gospel to children and youth, particularly to those having the least opportunity to hear of Christ, and discipling them for living and serving through His church. This is the purpose that One Hope Canada still embodies today, not only through Bible camp ministries but through community missions and missionaries, online ministry, training and resourcing, and coming alongside in partnership with the local church to reach every boy and girl in Canada with the good news of Jesus Christ.
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Volunteering has been part of my life for a couple of decades now. I didn’t really do much serving as a kid, but got motivated in my 20’s, with my first ongoing volunteer experience at a women’s shelter and support organization. I can’t remember what got me motivated. (Perhaps I just heard their call for volunteers—or maybe I was drawn in by their purpose of helping abused women and strengthening single moms, which I was at the time.) Whatever my motivation, it was the start of an inner drive to contribute and help in my community and the individuals around me.
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More for You
Our mission is to help our children develop their God-given life messages and to learn how He wants them to share these messages with the world. Member Pick
Watch the popular Torchlighters series, as well three volumes from the Children’s Heroes from Christian History series in the Lighting the Way course. Links to free accompanying teaching and learning resources to explore missionary journeys with your children right from your living room.
"I was unsure of homeschooling at first myself, but I knew that God was leading me to take this step and now eight years later I'm glad I did. My child is now eight years old, and I'm glad I resigned from my IT job at one of the big banks here in Canada."
See book recommendations about missionaries around the world in this article from the Homeschool with Heart blog.