Teaching Values and Developing Character
For many homeschool parents, the academic portion of teaching pales in importance to teaching values and developing our children's character. While the internet is overrun with many beautiful and effective ways of teaching math and language arts, there is not so much out there to help us with instilling values in our children and teaching them to be people of strong character.
Thankfully for us all, there is one book that is widely available that can help us: the Bible! God also valued character and saw the importance in teaching values and left us with lots of instructions on the matter in His Word. These theme articles will give you suggestions on teaching values in your home, whether you homeschool or not, and how the Bible can help you with that. Praise God He has given us all we need in His Word!
In "Teaching Values at Home with Biblical Knowledge," you will be reminded of some of the values we learn and can focus on from the Bible. You will also learn about a couple of
SchoolhouseTeachers.com courses that can help you instill important values while learning about other topics too.
"The Bible as a Teaching Tool for Values" points out some of the well-known Biblical characters and what values and character traits we can learn from their lives. This article also offers a great reminder for us and our children that no one is perfect, yet we can still learn from others.
Living a life of integrity - a life focused on being purposeful and discovering God's will for your life - is the result of good character development and valuing certain traits in the world around you. In the article "Vision Driven Learning," you will learn a step-by-step process for your teen to follow to determine his or her path in life, whether it be for a career, meaningful volunteering, or personal pursuits.
Be sure to scroll down to see all the helpful content on teaching values and developing character, and don't miss the More For You section that has additional resources to gain more insight on this theme.

Value is what we hold on to as important. These are the principles and standards that we use as a guide on how to live, how to treat others, and what we strive towards. The word itself means something that holds importance, worth, or usefulness. Parents are teaching values every day in what they say and how they act, but it’s also important that we lead our children and mold their character intentionally.
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I have heard somewhere that it is good to have our hearts to be filled with God’s word to the point that we are overflowing and just pouring Bible truths everywhere and in all that we do. So I just shared and shared stories with my little one. Every night, we would read Bible stories together—still from a children’s version as he is only very young.
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You likely agree with that as a homeschooler since you’ve taken on the challenge and joy of educating your children. One of our final ‘tasks’ in educating our children is to guide them in the right direction for their post-secondary education and career choices – and ideally instilling in them a love of life-long learning.
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