This Week at SchoolhouseTeachers ~ Help for visual learners in Schoolhouse Spelling

July offers parents of visual learners a preview of a new feature coming to Schoolhouse Spelling Lower Elementary lists this fall. Here’s an overview of what is happening:
Lower Elementary will enjoy puzzles, games, and activities all this month to practice the words they have been learning this year. Throughout the month, flashcard videos will be added for a fun way for visual learners to get into spelling! These videos provide a new way for your students to connect the letters in the words to images they can remember.
Flashcard videos will continue as a regular component of Lower Elementary Spelling throughout the new school year. In addition, Pre-K/K will also enjoy flashcard videos beginning August 12th.
Plus, only in the month of July, Upper Elementary will enjoy a summertime unit of puzzles, games, and activities, including a way to create their own vocabulary crossword puzzles to challenge the entire family.
Bonnie Rose Hudson
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC