This Week at SchoolhouseTeachers ~ Reading Lessons/Struggling Readers, Literature, and Everyday Games

Summer reading is a pastime many parents and children alike enjoy. But what do you do if your child struggles with reading? Dr. Matthew Glavach has spent years helping children and parents find ways to enjoy reading together. This month he shares ways to build on the repeated reading method he introduced in June. If you missed June’s lesson, simply access it through the Teacher Lesson Archives.
Another way to enjoy a good story is to dive deeply into its pages and explore all the hidden wonders it holds. Each month Adam Andrews helps you do just that in his Literature class. This month he will lead your family through a study of the children’s classic Sam, Bangs & Moonshine by Evaline Ness.
Who can resist the fun of a good game? Teresa Evans shares new reading or math games each week in Everyday Games, alternating between the two subjects. With her colorful, fun, and ready-to-play games, your children can learn reading concepts while having fun. This week, they can have fun finding the missing letters or letter combinations in words like snow, goat, three, church, barn, and many more!
Bonnie Rose Hudson
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC