This Week at SchoolhouseTeachers ~ What’s New in Art Techniques and Social Justice

Pets! Whether you’re a cat lover, a dog lover, or maybe a gerbil lover, there is a good chance your life has been influenced by a lovable creature. Maybe when you were growing up; maybe right now as furry creatures bound through your house. Or maybe, like me, an animal in the house isn’t the best fit and you just spend quality time visiting the neighbor’s four-legged friend. Wherever you find them, pets are a part of our everyday lives. They are also the subjects of Brenda Ellis’ Art Techniques lesson for June on Join Brenda as she teaches you how to use chalk pastels to capture an image of your favorite animal friend. She’ll even let you in on the secret of what to do when your subject won’t sit still!
What do you think of when you hear the words “debt bondage”? For many people, it means endless debt that feels like it will never be paid off. For many others, it is a way of life perpetuated by manipulative slave owners. Kurt Hoffman explains in his Social Justice class how in some places, slavery isn’t about beating a person into submission; it’s about tricking them into surrendering ownership of their minds. The slave knows that paying off a debt is the right thing to do, so he works to accomplish this. But the slave owner may lie about the debt, manipulate the interest, and orchestrate the circumstances in such a way that the debt can never be repaid, even as children are born and raised to take their parents’ place working to pay off the debt. Let Kurt Hoffman educate your teen about the issues of modern-day slavery and how they can be a part of ending it.
Bonnie Rose Hudson
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC