This Week at SchoolhouseTeachers ~What’s New in Asia: Trade Route Safari, Geography, Course Checklists

I’m excited to share that my new class, Asia: Trade Route Safari is ready to begin! Join me and Safari Saeed for a journey that will take us to more than 34 countries in Asia, including India, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Mongolia, and more. We’ll travel parts of the Silk Road, the Spice Route, and the Incense Road. We’ll learn about people in all different parts of Asia and see how we can help and pray. Each week’s lesson includes a look at the people of the region, a writing or art assignment, spelling and vocabulary, geography, Safari science, a hands-on way to create a record of the journeys, and Friday Factoids (math and other worksheets). Don’t miss this unforgettable trip across Asia!
How can we truly know what the core of the earth is like when we can’t go there and examine it for ourselves? This is just one of the questions Tyler Hogan’s Geography course tackles this month. He’ll explain the layers that make up our planet and how we study them. He’ll even take us to a town where more than half of the people live underground. Come along and journey with us to the center of the earth!
Whether you’d like some help charting one class’ content or your entire curriculum, the Course Checklists on can help. Our monthly checklists are loaded and ready for you to point, click, and print—which should make teaching that much easier.
Bonnie Rose Hudson
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC