This Week at SchoolhouseTeachers ~ What’s New in Ditch the Desk and Nature/Outdoors

Step back in time to the Middle Ages and host your own Renaissance Festival! Let Inger Koppenhaver and Ditch the Desk show you how! You’ll start with crafts and make your own shield and flower head pieces. Next, you’ll plan your menu! From trenchers to caprese, Inger will talk you through your Renaissance feast (and let you in on some handy substitutes along the way)! Last but not least, choose the fun games you can play together to make your festival a night to remember!
Join Erin Dean for a fascinating study of owls all this month in her Nature/Outdoors class! No owls where you live? Don’t worry—Erin provides a link to a webcam where you can follow an owl family instead! Come with us as we learn about what owls eat, what their songs sound like, what their zygodactyl feet are especially useful for, and more!
Bonnie Rose Hudson
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC