This Week at SchoolhouseTeachers ~ What’s New in Everyday Games plus all Filmmaking lessons are still available

Every weekday, Teresa Evans brings you a new reading or math game in Everyday Games. Whether it’s playing Tic Tac Toe with three-letter words or consonant blends, rhyming short or long vowel sounds, using the Turtle Times Multiplication Maker, or finding the clams while learning about place values, Teresa has games that can help kids have so much fun they forget they’re learning!
Advent Film Group’s cofounder, George Escobar, presented a 30-part narrated series of short lessons for young filmmakers, which remains on our site. Each weekly lesson encapsulated basic but core information about different aspects of filmmaking. Topics included story structure, screenwriting, casting, and the many elements of film production, including prep and post-production editing. Other topics covered sales, marketing, distribution, evaluating film equipment, and career planning.
Following each lesson, a brief assignment or exercise was given to reinforce key points of the subject matter. Links to online film tools or video clips were provided to expand or facilitate the lesson. Don’t miss the opportunity to review or enjoy for the first time this unique and powerful course.
Bonnie Rose Hudson
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC