This Week at SchoolhouseTeachers ~ What’s New in Mock Trial and Everyday Copywork

When is an employer responsible for an employee’s actions or omissions? How do you determine which party was negligent in causing harm? What is the difference between employees and independent contractors? Join Deborah Burton’s Mock Trial class as she helps your students understand the legal standards involved in answering such questions and gain a better understanding of the world of employees and employers that they are entering into or may already be a part of.
Each week, Everyday Copywork helps your students reinforce things such as vocabulary, math and science facts, tidbits of history, famous quotes and more. These worksheets can be used to supplement a number of our classes on or can stand alone as worksheets to help develop handwriting skills. Guided print and cursive work is provided along with print and cursive work to be copied. Don’t miss these fun and interesting worksheets that are new and fresh every weekday.
Bonnie Rose Hudson
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC