This Week at SchoolhouseTeachers ~ What’s New in Schoolhouse Spelling

Did you know that Schoolhouse Spelling offers seven new word lists every week to help your children, no matter what grade level they are in, expand their spelling and vocabulary skills? Take a look at some of what we’ve learned this month:
Pre-K/K students have worked on the letter combinations of og, in, and ink. Throughout the month, they’ll help letters who got separated while ice skating, make a foggy picture, and lots more with fun activities.
Lower Elementary and Upper Elementary students have worked on the many ways to make the er sound in words, using er, ir, and ur; learned the similar sound of w and wh in words; and worked with words that contain unk, ould, ough, aught, and ought. They’ve enjoyed alphabetizing, unscrambling, differentiating between words, rhyming, defining words, and using math to decode their spelling words.
Middle School and High School have explored the world of medical terminology through word searches, crosswords, vocabulary practice, dividing words into syllables, and decoding with the letters in the names of the books of the Bible.
Bonnie Rose Hudson
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC