This Week at SchoolhouseTeachers ~ Writing and Everyday Copywork

We often compare and contrast things without consciously thinking about it. We go to the store, pick up two similar items, and scan them for the details that are important to us. We walk into an unfamiliar place and assess what elements we recognize and what we do not. So how can we use the technique to enliven our fiction writing?
Join Sharon Watson’s Writing class this month as she continues her exploration of comparing and contrasting and how to use it in many types of writing, including fiction. Discover how to bring characters alive and reveal character traits by the skillful use of this technique.
Study an exemplary piece of writing this month with Everyday Copywork as we practice writing one of the greatest speeches ever delivered, the Gettysburg Address.
Bonnie Rose Hudson
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC