Bible . . . More Than a Class
August 18, 2021
Gena Suarez
Peace from Above
Lee Binz
Biblical Literacy for Faith, Life, and Class
Stacy Farrell
A Compass for a Lost World
Diana Waring
More is Caught Than Taught
Be sure to scroll to the bottom to enter the contest and see the freebies of the month! |

Hey, Mama!
Peace from Above
Hey Mama,
If there’s one thing I’ve noticed in this past year, it’s been the constant, unsettled feeling of EVERYTHING. For many, that meant you began an insta-homeschool journey while suddenly working from home. For others, it meant an unexpected farewell to a loved one. Peace seemed like a far away dream in 2020, and everyone expected life to return to “normal” in 2021.
Yet, here we are . . . again . . . in the crazy commotion of life, longing for peace. But we will make it. Know why? Because we we know the Author of peace Himself, the Prince of Peace. And peace—true, complete, unsurpassing PEACE is not a mere wish for you, Mama, when you and your children are centered on God’s Word. This life and peace spoken of in the Bible is eternal.
That’s why the Bible needs to be more than a class in your homeschool and a devotional time in your day.
Find out how to make the Bible key in these articles from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine:
The Importance of Bible Memory from a Dad’s Perspective by Jeff McCullough
The National Bible Bee by Allison Nagel
8 Reasons the Bible is Important in Your Homeschool by Deborah Wuehler
And remember, Mama . . .
The one controlled by the Spirit will have PEACE as well as eternal life, and that peace extends to this life, too. It can be ours. Now.
Despite the trials, the difficulties, the problems, the sometimes “unpeaceful” encounters, we can find peace because of the Prince of Peace, because of what the Lord has done, and because of this promise—the mind controlled by the Spirit IS life—and peace. Get in His Word, the Bible. That’s where you’ll find how to have a mind controlled by the Spirit. Mind and heart on Christ, today, Mama.
“The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.” (Romans 8:6)
– gena
Visit www.greeknstuff.com

Lee Binz
Biblical Literacy for Faith, Life, and Class
Christian parents will never regret sharing the Bible with their children. For many children, this will become the heart of a lifelong faith, instilling biblical values. While we can’t control our child’s life choices in the future, knowing that Scripture is embedded in their DNA brings tremendous comfort to parents with wayward children.
Biblical Literacy is a Faith Skill
Loving God’s Word, and teaching the Bible is important for parents and children. Loving God’s Word is our goal for a lifelong saving faith. It’s an investment in the future of our children that’s worth its weight in gold.
Biblical Literacy is a Life Skill
Imparting a love of Scripture to our children is an important life skill that is better caught than taught. Discuss how important it is to you. Demonstrate a love of Scripture with daily personal devotion. Have children practice the skill of Bible study with daily reading. Lifelong habits will be perfected over time.
Biblical Literacy is a Class
While Bible study is a faith skill, a life skill, and an investment in the future, it can also be a class. Christian schools include Bible classes, and we can, too. Life skills like home economics, financial literacy, and driver education go on the transcript. In the same way, Bible classes can as well. Put Bible on the transcript once your student reaches high school.
How to Put Bible on a Transcript
Give a whole credit if your student studies the Bible for about one hour a day, five days a week on average, for most of the school year. Give a half credit if your student studies for roughly 30 minutes a day. Give a grade based on completion, doing what is expected, and “class discussion” with you. Choose a descriptive class title that conveys the topics, testament, or books covered each year. I am thankful for every chapter and verse my children memorized. I’m thankful for every guided deep dive into books and concepts. I am thankful for every curriculum-free “One Year Bible” big-picture overview we completed. I put Bible on my high school transcript to show that my children were thoroughly well educated, not because it was a class.
Lee Binz, The HomeScholar, is a speaker and author of more than 30 books about homeschooling high school. An expert on homeschool transcripts and getting scholarships, Lee’s mission is to encourage and equip parents to homeschool through high school. Grab some of the complimentary homeschool resources from Lee and connect with her on Facebook and Instagram.

Stacy Farrell
A Compass for a Lost World
America’s Basic Textbook
The Bible is the very basis upon which a reality-based education is built. Our Founding Fathers knew this well.
In the early days of America, the Bible wasn’t simply an educational supplement. Children learned to read, write, and spell with Scripture as their primary “textbook.”
In the words of Noah Webster, recognized as the “Father of American Scholarship and Education” and author of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: “Education is useless without the Bible. The Bible was America’s basic text book in all fields.”
Sadly, our culture has strayed a long way from that perspective. Even in many Christian homeschools, the Bible has become an elective rather than the central core.
It Points Us to True North
How important is a compass for a hiker?
For someone lost in the woods, a compass can mean the difference between life and death.
As long as a hiker can identify and follow true north, he can find his way out of the forest and back onto the path.
That’s what the Bible and a biblical worldview does for us.
In this increasingly lost, confused, and confusing world, the Bible gives us a compass to discern good from evil.
It Answers Profound Questions
There are profound philosophical questions asked by most everyone at some point in their lives. Our children will ask them someday (if they haven’t already).
Questions like . . .
- Where did I come from?
- Why am I here?
- Is there hope for my future?
In their search for answers, they will encounter seductive lies—like the idea that there is “my truth,” and it can be different from “your truth.”
But the Bible answers those questions with unchanging truth. It gives us hope—even in a world filled with suffering and corruption.
We need to prepare our children to stand firm in that unchanging truth . . . even if they must stand alone.
Etch it Upon Their Hearts
One way to help them prepare is by filling their mental “database” with Scripture so those verses can easily come to mind when they are faced with a situation that requires discernment.
When I taught the pilot program of Philosophy Adventure, I had all of my students memorize the book of Philippians.
We found a painless way to memorize Scripture. It involves a five-step process you can learn about here.
His love,
P.S. Teach your teen to think critically from a biblical worldview with Philosophy Adventure.

Surprised by Jesus, Stacy went from an unmarried, childless, 30-something career woman to a Christ-following wife of 28+ years with two sons she homeschooled K-12. She battled fear and overwhelm, but survived and thrived. Author of 10+ books—including the award-winning Philosophy Adventure—she loves to equip and encourage homeschool families. Visit her at HomeschoolAdventure.com.

Diana Waring

Pillar of Hope
Diana Waring – More is Caught Than Taught
“For the word of God is quick and powerful . . . and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Heb 4:12)
When it comes to teaching our children the Bible, we enter into a whole new realm of education. We don’t just expose them to the Scriptures—in a very real way, the Scriptures expose us! That’s why reading the Bible with our children and teaching them how to dig into the Word for themselves are unlike anything else we will ever do. It has the power to challenge and change each of us deeply and profoundly, regardless of our age or situation.
So, as we begin to recognize that we are dealing with God Himself as we read (and teach) His Word, the first and most obvious step is to approach it in humility. If we ourselves are in awe of this revealed Word of God, our children will learn that it is more than a book. And, if we ourselves are transformed by it, our children will discover that it, indeed, is living and powerful.
Always remember, our children learn more from what is caught than what is taught!
Get your students (and yourself) ready for the new school year using the “Back to School: Planning, Supplies & Curriculum” Resource Guide in the Summer 2021 issue of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine. This four-page guide is packed with curricula and lesson plans and includes online school options, books and supplies, and various tools to keep your schoolroom organized.

Give your family a high-quality, Christian education with SchoolhouseTeachers.com. Use code: EXPLORE at checkout to pay only $179 for a two-year Ultimate Membership (reg. $224.97/yr). Explore the World Tote included. Certain restrictions apply.
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No limits.
Looking for some new resources to engage your children with Biblical truth? Check out SchoolhouseTeachers.com! We have tons of Bible resources for all ages and learning styles. One example of what we offer is A Different Kind of Bible Study, which teaches Biblical truth through Proverbs 30 and studying insects. Or maybe your teen would enjoy Addressing Cultural Issues, which will help him answer those pressing questions on his heart and those he encounters. Need something else? Choose from more than 40 other courses. SchoolhouseTeachers.com is for every subject, every grade, every student.

Wondering how you are going to homeschool your littles this year? Join the supportive SchoolhouseTeachers.com community and receive access to the exclusive Hey, Mama! Members’ Lounge virtual event on 9/7 at 7 p.m. EDT. Come and learn more about homeschooling in the early years!

Every picture you share for the challenge with the hashtag #TCSsummer2021 will be one entry in the draw.
Be part of the fun on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram between August 23 – September 3, 2021. We will have posts for six themes: beach days, backyard days, history days, park days, travel days, and hobby days.

in the summer issue of
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine is now available for FREE online! Click the graphic to read it cover to cover!
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Congratulations to Ashley Dillon from Huntsville, AL, who won our June giveaway!
Contest Corner
for the month of August
Blocks Rock!

Blocks Rock LLC
Blocks Rock! is a STEM game created by Blocks Rock LLC. The game contains a set of different colored and shaped blocks, a timer, and two sets of cards. The blocks, made of wood, are very sturdy. The timer is a traditional looking bell timer. There are two sets of cards included. One set is large, colorful preschool STEM cards that help develop hand-eye coordination while learning shapes and colors. The other cards are smaller, the size of regular playing cards, and used for the Blocks Rock! challenges.
My students played this game together during their free time. They enjoyed the competition of the race to build. The packaging of the set makes it easy for them to pull out on their own and put away. It is compact enough that it stores away easily on a shelf. I was pleased to have a game like this available to them that worked on the development of STEM skills.
I would recommend this product. It is well-constructed and durable. I could see this being great for a preschool child and teaching shapes and colors. The product would grow with that same child as they develop and could do challenges so it will last longer than traditional preschool STEM toys. Both of my students are elementary age, and they both enjoyed the game so it covers a very wide range of ages.
This is part of a review for the Blocks Rock! building game. Read the full review on our site with much more information about using this in your home.
Go to the contest page of our site where you can ENTER TO WIN Blocks Rock!
My School Year
My School Year | A Homeschool Record Keeping, Tracking, and Scheduling System
Easily get organized with a one-month FREE trial to MySchoolYear.com Family Edition homeschool record keeping. Generate lesson plans, visually track progress & attendance, create report cards & transcripts, daily/weekly email reminders, reading logs, student logins, and so much more. All features available on your computer, tablet, and/or phone. Use promo code FREEBIE20 for another FREE month with annual membership.
This free product and more are found in our 2021 Freebie Directory: TOS Freebie Directory – The Old Schoolhouse®
FREE e-book!
Fall Harvest: Where’s the Fruit? – The Old Schoolhouse®
Where is the fall harvest of God’s goodness and righteousness in your heart and in your house? Go through each season/stage of development with the author as she shares her wisdom, experiences, and what she has learned, and you’ll see a pattern of things to be doing (or not doing) to ensure a good harvest in your children’s lives and in your own heart. She promises to show you something optimistic and hopefully even beautiful.
Find more freebies at The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Store: Freebies Archives – The Old Schoolhouse®

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