Home. Where They Belong
December 25, 2024
Gena Suarez
Called to Be Home
Hal and Melanie Young
Home Is Where They Belong
Danika Cooley
Sharing God’s Word, All Day, Every Day
Adam and Dianne Riveiro
Don’t Feel Guilty Keeping Them Home
Hey, Mama!
Called to Be Home
Hey, Mama,
1 Thessalonians 5:11 reminds us to encourage and build each other up: “ Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another.”
As a homeschooling mama with your children beside you throughout the day, you are always in that mode, anyway. It’s so neat how the Lord has set that up. The very position of motherhood requires us to show patience and offer encouragement to our children. We are called to literally build up those little hearts and minds in the Lord.
You are successful, Mama, because look at those kids faces looking back at you. They are your success. And that’s why I’m here, and The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, too, to remind you that you are successful at this crazy life called motherhood, homeschooling Mama.
Need more encouragement? (Because, yeah, it’s that time of year.) Read these words from your friends at The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine:
Am I Doing Enough? Are They Missing Something?
Guidelines for Success
Is God in the House? Home Educating for Success
And remember, Mama . . .
We aren’t perfect mothers because of this calling. Do we have it all together 100% of the time? Of course not. And God knows our frame.
We can build these children up and point them to the Perfect One as their model. And we can look to Him ourselves today, knowing that He is so very patient with us as we take it a day at a time, walking this path He has placed us on for His purposes.
Carefully, He weaves a tapestry, intertwining motherhood, childhood, and family living, as His Holy Spirit works within us to make us more and more like Him all the time. This life is good, Mama. And His hand is on your head today.
Happy New Year!
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Hal and Melanie Young
Home Is Where They Belong
We’ve been homeschool leaders for a long time, like since dinosaurs walked the earth. Well, maybe not, but decades, anyway. One thing we’ve heard again and again is the surprise in new homeschoolers’ voices after they’ve been homeschooling a while—they say, “I’ve got my kids back!” “I didn’t realize how unhappy she’d been until she started smiling again.” “I had no idea he’d been bullied. Now that he knows he’s home for good and won’t have to go back, I’m learning all kinds of things.”
When we were kids, we lived for summers. It wasn’t the schoolwork—both of us found that easy. Instead, it was the chance to be home. Home was a happy place for both of us growing up. We loved being with our parents and our siblings. We loved the freedom of not having a rigid schedule. We both loved reading and learning on our own terms.
Turns out our own kids have thrived being at home full-time. They’ve enjoyed working alongside us. They’ve loved being able to chase their own interests. They’ve hated some of the assignments, of course, but overall, they’ve loved being homeschooled.
All but one of our kids are adults living their own lives now. What we never anticipated is how much growing up at home together would build our kids’ relationships with us and each other. Our college kids talk about how their friends dread going home, but they love it. Our older kids jump in to help each other or us with big projects. If one of the kids who lives far away comes home, everyone else finds a way to come hang out. They enjoy one another. They want to spend time with each other and with us.
Y’all, those are the things that will matter when your kids are grown and gone. When kids are home together, there’s lots of time and motivation to learn to get along and to build relationship. And relationship is what you’ll care about at the end.
Home is where they belong. No one cares about them like you do. Sometimes the days seem long, but the years just fly by. One day you’ll be glad you homeschooled. We are!
Come check out our shop https://www.raisingrealmen.com/shop/ for resources to help you make the most of having your kids at home—and great gifts for all of you, too!
Your friends,
Hal & Melanie
About the author
Hal and Melanie Young have been homeschooling almost as long as they’ve been married, and they’re still happy with both decisions! They wrote My Beloved and My Friend: How to Be Married to Your Best Friend Without Changing Spouses to encourage their young adults – find out more at raisingrealmen.com.
Join Kathy Hutto on YouTube: Christian content creator sharing devotions, FREE homeschool resources, and inspiring Bible lessons for kids & families at YouTube@kathyhutto.
Danika Cooley
Sharing God’s Word, All Day, Every Day
When my husband, Ed, and I were considering homeschooling our youngest two children, we focused on discipling them in the Lord. We found several reasons that homeschooling our kids helps with discipleship:
- We had plenty of time to teach our children God’s Word.
- We were able to share Scriptural truths—like the Gospel—with our kids throughout the day.
- We could bring the Bible or Christian history into every subject.
- We were able to pray with our children throughout the day.
- We could model true Christian repentance, joy, and faith for our kids.
- We were able to point our kids to Jesus as we witnessed their struggles and sin issues.
- We could tailor our curriculum to highlight Christian character.
- We could teach to the strengths our kids have been given by the Lord, equipping them for His service.
Now, that’s not a comprehensive list of the ways that homeschooling helped us disciple our children, but it’s a great start, isn’t it? Ed and I homeschooled our youngest boys for several reasons, but the ability to intentionally disciple our children for Christ was first and foremost our goal.
By the grace of God, our sons have grown to be biblically literate young men who love Jesus and serve others. Along the way, we were able to read through the Bible together four times, using Bible Road Trip™. They love each other, and they love us.
This can be your story, as well. Homeschooling provides the opportunity to teach the Bible, Christian character, and the walk of faith to your kids. With a little mentorship and a whole lot of prayer and perseverance, you can raise your kids at home. It’s a wonderful place for them to grow up.
About the author
Danika Cooley is an award-winning children’s author who blogs about Bible books, crafts, activities, and snacks at Thinking Kids. Her books include Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible, Bible Investigators: Creation, and the Who What Why series, a line of Christian history for 7–11-year-olds. Grab your free three-week sample of her popular Bible Road Trip™ curriculum here.
Pillar of Knowledge
Adam and Dianne Riveiro
Don’t Feel Guilty Keeping Them Home
“Oh, you homeschool?”
You probably read that sentence with the tone in which it is normally offered when you tell a stranger or acquaintance that you are a homeschooling family—with the confused face and the slight tinge of disdain in their voice. You’ve been there before, no doubt. For instance at the checkout line, the cashier asks you why your kids are with you at the store at 10 a.m. on a Tuesday (as if it is her business!). “We homeschool,” you respond.
“Oh, you homeschool?”
In that moment, you may feel a bit of awkwardness, a sense of being judged, and even possibly a twinge of regret that you’re a homeschool family. Listen to me: do not feel guilty for keeping them at home!
Sure, homeschooling is more socially acceptable than ever, but it is still not socially accepted. And let’s be honest—it likely never will be. But, that’s okay! As believers, our goal is not to be accepted by society, but to please God in everything we do (1 Cor. 10:31). Do not be swayed by busybodies, know-it-alls, or “experts.” Be led by the Spirit when it comes to the direction of your children’s education, not by the cashier at your local Publix!
About the author
Pastor Adam and Dianne Riveiro live in Easton, Massachusetts, where Adam leads Liberty Baptist Church. They’re the authors of several books, including Hope from Our Heart to Yours: A 30-Day Devotional Journey for Special Needs Families, available from their family’s publishing label at www.readyscribepublications.com. They have four children: Bethany, Kaylee, AJ, and Peyton. They’re passionate about helping their fellow special needs families find joy and contentment in Christ.
Homeschooling parents are known for their dedication and creativity, especially when helping their children with learning challenges and special needs. Unique circumstances like attention deficit disorder, autism, dyslexia, and dysgraphia all benefit from creative educational experiences that homeschooling can supply. Find ideas to help at HomeschoolingFinds.com
Watching your children grow is one of the greatest joys of parenting. Why not be there for more of those moments? With SchoolhouseTeachers.com, you can! Homeschooling allows you to teach your children what matters most while spending more time together. From December 15 to January 15, the Ultimate Annual Membership is on sale for $199! It includes access to hundreds of courses for all ages and a FREE Owl Tote with your purchase. Watch your kids grow, explore, and thrive with homeschooling. Use the discount code FreshStart2025!
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SchoolhouseTeachers.com Corner
Did you know?
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No limits.
Keeping them home where they belong provides you with more time to spend together. SchoolhouseTeachers.com has courses for the entire family, like our Breadmaking Devotional where you can discover answers to questions like “How does yeast work?” and “What does it mean that Jesus is the Bread of Life?” These lessons cover topics such as kitchen safety, necessary tools, baking terms, breads around the world, storing bread, making bread centerpieces, and more. Do it together, because you can.
Find out why Deborah Wuehler of The Old Schoolhouse® believes that home is where children truly belong. At home parents can teach their children the Commandments, the importance of prayer, and develop familial relationships. Learn more in Episode 100 of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show when you listen today. Find the show notes for “Home. Where They Belong.” on HomeschoolShow.com.
Share the Gospel. That’s what your pastor says. That’s what Jesus says. But how? The holidays provide the perfect opportunity for your family to work together to obey the Great Commission. (Find this and other articles at HomeschoolApp.com.)
Share this newsletter with a friend, and be sure to let those CONSIDERING homeschooling know about the enormous FREE info-pack which awaits them here: www.TryHomeschooling.com.
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