A Resolution to Rest
December 28, 2022
Gena Suarez
In the New Year, He Will Give You Rest
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Hey, Mama!
In the New Year, He Will Give You Rest
Hey Mama,
Tears are not always a bad thing. I know you’ve had your fair share lately. Did you know the Lord your God sees them? He uses these times to bring you closer to Him.
“My tears have been my food day and night, while they say to me all day long, ‘Where is your God?’ (Psalm 42:3)“
I know it’s hard. You live for Christ, yet around every corner there is adversity. “Where is your God,” they say. “Has He left you? Why do you live for a God who allows pain in the world?”
“Why doesn’t He act NOW! My problem is NOW. My prayers have been numerous, but I see nothing! Lord, Lord, where are You?”
You grow tired.
“I am weary with my crying; my throat is parched; my eyes fail while I wait for my God (Psalm 69:3).”
Mama, do not doubt. Endure! Walk in full confidence that your identity is in Christ, not in this world. Make that fact ever your default. You don’t live for you. You live for Him. He is your identity, your life!
Are we on His timeline or our own? Does He not know what He is doing? Do you really think He can’t hear? You yourself have marveled at His brilliance, His sheer genius, His kind compassion. You have seen His heart. Is this any different? Can He not handle this problem, too? Mama, you must learn to trust His heart. Be all in. You have to be.
“I am weary with my sighing; every night I make my bed swim, I dissolve my couch with my tears. (Psalm 6:6).”
God sees it all, Mama. It is not pointless, this trial. It has a very real purpose. You will one day see that. We do not know what is around the next corner. He does. Wait for that corner. Your character will become strong. This trial produces endurance. You are gaining the mind of Christ.
“You have taken account of my wanderings; put my tears in Your bottle. Are they not in Your book? (Psalm 56:8).”
Mama, do you not know He holds every teardrop? He holds your heart, too. He is watching. You are not far from Him; He is near to you. If you belong to Him, all these things are yours! Be sure you are His. Many think they are His, but they are not. Read His word and obey His commands. Take hold of His gift of salvation. Then pick up your cross and follow Him.
Joy comes in the morning. No more tears. No more worry. In Christ Jesus, your Savior, you have everlasting peace. No one can take it from you. Wait on the Lord because He will make you stronger. He is the Author of endurance, and He is rest for your soul.
These articles from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine are a good reminder of that.
Why Am I So Tired by Deborah Wuehler
Do Not Grow Weary by Sheila Campbell
“And He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away (Revelation 21:4).”
Mama, joy is coming. Rejoice in the Lord over your salvation. He hears you! He takes notice of your cries. He sees your tears. Endure. Walk with Him. Keep praying. Trust His heart, that great heart of compassion and kindness. He is the Author of care and love, and His plans for you are good. And for now, rest in this: His hand is on your head today.
– gena

Twelve Names of Christ for Christmas! Celebrate Christ by learning to treasure the gift of His Name this Christmas. Twelve days; twelve names: Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace, Emmanuel, Savior, Jesus, The Lamb of God, The Light of the World, The Good Shepherd, and The Alpha and Omega. A twelve-day family Bible reading plan with activities for children included. Bring Christ back into focus this Christmas! See YouVersion’s Bible.com Bible reading plans and search for “Twelve Names of Christ for Christmas”.
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Oh, winter. Your kids are restless, and school days seem to drag on with no end in sight. This article may be just what you need this time of year. Click on the link and recharge with “Midyear Perseverance: 4 Tips” from the digital side of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.
Ready to recharge your homeschool? Have the Winter issue of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine delivered to your door. Find tips on midyear perseverance, family Bible study, healthy habits (including healthy tech habits), how to start blogging, homeschooling and self-sufficiency, and so much more. Limited quantities available. Go ahead and gift yourself a copy today.

Congratulations to our October winner, Tonya Sinner from Minnesota!
Contest Corner
for the month of December
Susanna’s Midnight Ride and Dolley Madison and the War of 1812

Sagebrush Publishing
Susanna’s Midnight Ride: The Girl Who Won the Revolutionary War tells how a 16-year-old girl exhibited unbelievable bravery and thereby changed the course of history. The tale unravels over twenty-six chapters. The book also includes an epilogue, afterword, and acknowledgments. It is 219 pages.
The Study Guide for Susanna’s Midnight Ride is sixty-one pages long. It includes one page of academic information and how it applies to Virginia Standards of Learning, a page about the author and the book, and two pages on the House Joint Resolution No. 649 for Susanna Bolling Day. (She truly deserves her own day!) The study guide devotes one page to each chapter of the novel. Answers are included.
Dolley Madison and the War of 1812: America’s First Lady consists of thirty-two short chapters plus an epilogue, author’s note, selected bibliography, and acknowledgments. Also included are four of Dolley Madison’s favorite recipes woven into the story. The book is 237 pages long.
The Study Guide for Dolley Madison and the War of 1812 is seventy-two pages long. It includes two pages of academic information and how it applies to Virginia Standards of Learning, a page about the author and the book, and a complete synopsis of the story. The study guide devotes one page to each chapter of the novel. Answers are included.
McNamee’s novels are examples of living books at their finest. These are stories from long ago that seem to be taking place in real-time. McNamee wrote in first person and present tense, allowing readers to live the adventures and fully experience these historical moments. Readers and listeners will feel the characters’ emotions, picture the surroundings, join the excitement, and even smell the smells of the settings.
This is part of a review of two historical novels Susanna’s Midnight Ride and Dolley Madison and the War of 1812. Read the full review on our site which includes more details about the stories and accompanying study guides.
Go to the contest page of our site where you can ENTER TO WIN Dolley Madison and the War of 1812 and the accompanying study guide.
Bible Reading Plan for Christmas

Go to Bible.com’s Bible Reading Plans for the Twelve Names of Christ for Christmas, a family Bible Reading Plan with a devotion for the parents and activities for the children. Bring Christ to the forefront of your Christmas celebrations with this simple 12 day reading plan written by Deborah Wuehler, senior editor of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.
FREE E-Book!
The Old Schoolhouse® CHRISTmas Greetings

Find recipes, traditions, and stories from staff and favorite authors in The Old Schoolhouse® CHRISTmas Greetings edition. In it, you can read about Deborah’s Oranges for Christmas, a true story of God’s provision.
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