Home Is a Wonderful Place: The “Why” of Homeschooling
June 22, 2022
Gena Suarez
God Created You for This Purpose!
Stacy Farrell
Exercise Your Influence
Lee Binz
Homeschooling Works for a Multitude of Reasons
Dan Beasley
Summer: The Season of Liberty
Be sure to scroll to the bottom to enter the contest and see the freebies of the month! |

Hey, Mama!
God Created You for This Purpose!
Hey Mama,
I don’t know about you, but I can always use friends who help me bear the weight of homeschooling and mothering, and sometimes those friends are all that are keeping me in an upright position.
Just stopping by to remind you to pray tonight. Not that I’d expect you to forget; after all, you are very faithful to your great God and Savior. But as you drift off to sleep, set your sights on the throne room. The Lord has called you to this important mission called “your children.” He gave them to you for just a short time, and I know you appreciate the gift—of course you do! Whether you just started homeschooling or are several years into it, you know that home is the best place for your children. It’s where they belong. It’s where you can start the school day with a family devotional and end it learning about measurement or chemistry by making cookies. It’s where you can teach them the way they need to be taught. You know their gifts and struggles better than anyone. That’s why you do it.
These articles from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine are a good reminder of that:
The Freedom of Home Education and How It Has Benefited My Life by Mercy Wuehler
Why Homeschool? A Conversation with a Young Mom by Joy Goreman
Remind Me Again: Why Are We Homeschooling? by Dr. Heather Allen
While we know homeschooling is best, we also grow weary at times. But do you want to know what’s really encouraging about that? The Lord understands. “For He Himself knows our frame; He is mindful that we are but dust” (Psalm 103:14).
In other words, He is not some far off entity just watching us, waiting for us to fail (again). No, His yoke is easy, and He loves you and me even more tenderly than we love our own children. He’s very familiar with our frailties. He is mindful and cares deeply when we stumble, AND He emphasizes with how we feel when we shuffle around and lose our balance. Mama, that should comfort you! Call out to Him, “Lord, don’t forget my frame,” when you are struggling. Or even better, “Thank You, oh Lord, that You DO know my frame; help me to remember this truth!”
Lean on Him. He’s got this. He’s got YOU, because you study His word, and you strive to follow Him. You pick up your cross daily and cling to Him alone. Forsaking the world, you seek the things from above, loving your neighbor as yourself, turning away from what is evil, and loving the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. Jesus Christ is your LORD and SAVIOR. And in all honesty, He sees what’s going on before you even call out to Him because His hand is already resting lovingly on your head (just like you cradle your child’s head when he/she needs you). The Lord won’t let go. Not ever. If you are His, He is yours.
Just know this: He doesn’t ever forget your fragile side, your humanity. He knows very well that you are flesh, blood, and bone; He custom-made you for your joy and His glory. And He walks right beside you, lockstep, as you follow Him—your eyes in the Word, your mind deep in prayer.
So get up tomorrow and walk again, recognizing that your heart belongs to Him and that you are LOVED DEEPLY. You are pouring LIFE into these children and doing a good job! Your Father has fashioned your very frame for walking this road, and you’re going to make it, Mama. He’s fashioned those hard-headed kids of yours, too. Stop looking at today and all its troubles, and “fast forward” yourself to ten, twenty years from now. A new day is coming. “Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her . . .” (Proverbs 31:28).
His mercies are new every morning. Today, keep walking faithfully. Tonight, drift off to sleep with your thoughts on the One who loves you. Peace and much love to you from your friends at The Old Schoolhouse®.

Stacy Farrell
Exercise Your Influence
Have you ever been asked why you homeschool?
Here are a few thoughts on why the decision to homeschool has a significant impact for all of us . . .
Preparing for Life
Homeschooling allows us to prepare our children for the challenges they encounter beyond the walls of our homes.
There’s a meme we share on our Facebook page from time to time. It says: “Homeschool: Preparing for life, not a test.”
Unlike public school, home education gives us the freedom and flexibility to esteem things like morals and manners as highly as math and matter.
Teaching Beyond Textbooks
The public education system kicked God out of their schools long ago. As a result, the Standard of Truth was replaced with standardized testing.
That standardized testing is designed to produce “book smart” kids who learn how to memorize facts . . . but not how to evaluate the truth value of those facts.
At home, we can teach our children to think critically from a Biblical worldview and contrast secular ideas against the sacred Word of God.
What About Socialization
We homeschool because “we’ve seen the village and don’t want it raising our children.”
Ironically, “socialization” is why many would-be homeschoolers keep their kids in public school.
Some parents fear social awkwardness—not realizing the definition of “socialization” is little more than conformity to the world.
But we want our children actually socialized, not artificially programmed to be peer dependent.
Raising Critical Thinkers
Almost seventy years ago, world-renowned logician, Bertrand Russell, accurately predicted the state of today’s education system: “Education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished.”
Russell recognized the influence of the home as obstructive to the goal of creating a malleable society.
We homeschool because we choose to exercise our influence to raise critical thinkers who can discern and defend truth—and respond appropriately.
Thank you for homeschooling. You’re investing in our future.
His love,
P.S. Equip your students to write skillfully, think critically, and speak clearly as they explore the history of ideas—from a Biblical worldview—with Philosophy Adventure.
About the author
Surprised by Jesus, Stacy went from an unmarried, childless, 30-something career woman to a Christ-following wife of more than twenty-eight years with two sons she homeschooled K-12. She battled fear and overwhelm, but survived and thrived. Author of more than ten books—including the award-winning Philosophy Adventure—she loves to equip and encourage homeschool families. Visit her at HomeschoolAdventure.com
FREE Lesson – Teach Your Children Critical Thinking Skills
Will your students recognize truth? Teach your children to think critically from a Biblical worldview as they explore the history of ideas. Get the first lesson of Philosophy Adventure FREE! Ideal for students in 6th-12th grade.

Lee Binz
Homeschooling Works for a Multitude of Reasons
You don’t need to be a certified teacher or have credentials to homeschool your children. Teachers learn to teach groups. We specialize in each child in our home. We don’t specialize in a specific subject or age level. As a result, homeschoolers excel. Home-educated students have higher test scores than their counterparts in public and private school, regardless of gender, race, parental education, or state regulation.
Homeschooling works because parents love their children. 1 Peter 4:8 says, “Love covers over a multitude of sins.” Parental love motivates us to do our best with our child’s unique abilities. Love for our children will cover our own missteps and the mistakes in your curriculum.
Homeschooling works because children learn better at home. They learn best when they are safe and secure. Education is effective when learning is relevant and they are taught in a way that makes sense. Including delight directed learning makes education more enjoyable for the student and easier on the parent.
Homeschooling works because we can ensure quality education. We have the ability to stop, repeat, relearn, retest, and modify methods until a child finally understands a concept. We can teach to mastery and be confident in the educational results.
Homeschooling works because character matters. We can incorporate faith-based education and character training that create adults above reproach. Our consistent encouragement can shape and mold our children into students of excellence.
Homeschooling works because we don’t over-test students. Teachers in schools evaluate the class all at once. Our fewer students allow for natural assessments. Tests measure what a student does not know. They do not tell you a thousand things the student does know.
Homeschooling is a proven educational method, with over eight million students in the United States. Home education provides true care and concern from a loving parent, combined with personal tutoring and character guidance.
Home educators can excel with continuing education. Invest in your chosen profession by choosing resources that will help you homeschool with excellence. The free eBook How to Be a Better Home Educator will help you gain insight and confidence as you homeschool through high school.
About the author
Lee Binz, The HomeScholar, is a speaker and author of more than 30 books about homeschooling high school. An expert on homeschool transcripts and getting scholarships, Lee’s mission is to encourage and equip parents to homeschool through high school. Grab some of the complimentary homeschool resources from Lee and connect with her on Facebook and Instagram.

Dan Beasley

Pillar of Future
Dan Beasley – Summer: The Season of Liberty
Summer is finally here. For many homeschooling families, June ushers in a more relaxed schedule and extra time for play that unleashes the amazing imagination within each child. For others, summer is a continuation of a flexible learning experience that has been feeding each child’s hunger to learn and zest for life.
Either way, summer screams liberty. Children are free from more rigid schedules. They are free to explore, to imagine, to flourish.
Over the last couple months, I’ve written about the importance of actively securing liberty for the next generation, and how every parent can contribute. A common refrain from the 1800s, attributed to Thomas Jefferson (among others), is that “the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.”
But it’s important to reflect on the why in addition to the how when seeking to preserve liberty with vigilance. And what better time than the summer season to reflect on the blessings of liberty?
So, ask yourself, why? Why is the liberty to homeschool important to you? How does this liberty help equip your child to thrive? Then thank God for the liberty to feed your children’s love for learning and empower them to flourish.
About the author
As an HSLDA staff attorney, Dan assists individual homeschooling families and advocates for homeschool freedom in the courts, legislature, and court of public opinion. Dan is also a homeschool graduate and homeschooling dad of four.

Convention Season @TOS
Look What’s Happening in New Mexico:
June 24–25, 2022
2022 CAPE-NM Christian Homeschool Convention
Legacy Church of Albuquerque
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Hey, Mama! How would you like to meet Gena Suarez and Deborah Wuehler of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine? Come to Albuquerque and meet them at the CAPE-NM Christian Homeschool Convention. Hear Deborah’s encouraging workshops too.
A division of The Old Schoolhouse®

SchoolhouseTeachers.com Corner
Did you know?
Every class is INCLUDED for ultimate members!
No limits.
For many of us, the reason for homeschooling lies with being on a journey together with our family. For this reason, we can plan learning for the entire family. At SchoolhouseTeachers.com, there are Family Electives and unit studies for family learning that can be easily worked into your homeschool schedule. Check them out today and find something fun for the whole family!

Read this article
in the summer issue of
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.

School’s out and summer reading is in. Grab your summer issue of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, Mama! Turn the pages at your leisure during the lazy days of summer for the latest on unschooling, medical careers, homeschooling high school (you CAN do it!), special needs, and new school year prep. Limited quantities. Order now and read on during those sunny days ahead. http://www.grabissue.com

Congratulations to our April winner, Cynthia Rieben from Banks, Oregon!
Contest Corner
for the month of June
I Know It – Elementary Online Math Program

I Know It
What if you have a great curriculum, but your children still need a bit of extra math practice? Do they understand the concepts but struggle a bit with recall and speed? Then you likely need a supplemental curriculum rather than an entirely new one. I Know It is one such supplemental product.
I Know It is a program designed for elementary students (K–5). You can sign up with just one student, an entire school (or co-op), or as a family. The interactive website is very child-friendly; there are lots of bright colors and no ads. Each grade level has a variety of different types of questions, all age-appropriate. (For example, you won’t find “shapes” in the 5th grade curriculum or “multiplication” in the kindergarten.) As a parent or teacher, you can easily monitor your student’s progress in the program, adjusting things as needed. You can assign specific lessons to your students or let them work freeform. Regardless of which way works best for your family, you can be sure your student is getting their math practice in!
Each lesson of I Know It contains 15 questions on a given topic. There are a variety of different types of questions, all fitting into the category and lesson chosen. For example, if your kindergartner is working on a shapes lesson, they’ll be given questions such as “choose the circle” (with a picture of a circle and a triangle) as well as “sort the shapes” (with a chart that says “circle” and “triangle” and four shapes down below that they drag up to the appropriate column).
Go to the contest page of our site where you can ENTER TO WIN a Family Membership for I Know It (1 year, up to 6 children/users).
Friendly Sciences

Friendly Sciences has been making high school science accessible for all learners for over thirty years! Friendly Physical Science, a design engineering (STEM) approach to physical science, is followed by Friendly Biology, another lab-based course. Next comes Friendly Chemistry, the “no tears” flagship course of the series. A popular option for each course is the online video series. To see if the Friendly Sciences series will work for your family, we’re offering you a FREE VIDEO license to view the first four videos in each course! Details here: bit.ly/3Br1gTs.
This free product and more are found in our 2022 Freebie Directory: TOS Freebie Directory – The Old Schoolhouse®
FREE E-Book!
TOS Lab Presents: Your Guide to Examining Curriculum

In this wonderful, free resource you will find the answers to these common questions: With thousands of choices available, how will I find the perfect resources that will fit my particular family? Is it even possible?
Yes, it certainly can be a reality and with the help of the TOS review team. TOS Lab Presents: Your Guide to Examining Curriculum will provide you with detailed insight that will help you make informed decisions when choosing what curriculum to buy. It’s a definite consumer’s guide to homeschool products.
Find more freebies at The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Store: Freebies Archives – The Old Schoolhouse®

With the TOS Mobile App, search topics of interest spanning more than a decade, share articles, browse interactive content, and follow the links to hundreds of related resources. Each issue can also be downloaded and read offline.
Share this newsletter with a friend, and be sure to let those CONSIDERING homeschooling know about the enormous FREE info-pack which awaits them here: www.TryHomeschooling.com.
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