The Convention’s the Thing
March 30, 2022
Gena Suarez
Get Encouragement at Conventions
Hal and Melanie Young
Conventions Are Both Educational and Fun!
Lee Binz
Conventions Help You Homeschool Better
Be sure to scroll to the bottom to enter the contest and see the freebies of the month! |

Hey, Mama!
Get Encouragement at Conventions
Hey Mama,
Remember—your identity is in Christ. You only have to please an Audience of One. You will not and cannot please everyone; it will never happen. And if they slandered the apostle Paul, if they mocked and lied about Christ Himself, don’t you think it will happen to you as well if you are living out His word? The Gospel offends. The world finds it distasteful. It’s only those who respond to the Father’s drawing who can even hear it. (See John 6:44)
You will be despised. This life is full of trials and difficulties, storms, and fire; no one said that to follow Christ makes for an easy life. This life is a test, and it’s so very important. May we be found faithful in the end. May we hear from Him on that day that we were a good and faithful servant.
If you are doing what’s right but are being persecuted or smacked down, consider it joy. Do what God has called you to do. All that matters is what He thinks. All that matters is His perfect plan for you. Live each day with that in mind. Model it to your children.
And if you need some encouragement from like-minded people, why not go to a homeschool convention? I’ve been to several, and I highly recommend it. Not only can you get wonderful suggestions on curricula and teaching tools, you also have the opportunity to meet so many homeschoolers who relate to you, who follow Christ, and who believe home education is the best choice. It’s like drinking from a deep, crystal-clear well. You’ll be satisfied and blessed.
Check out these articles from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine about the many benefits of these conventions:
Put New Wind in Your Sail! Attend a State or Local Homeschool Convention by Jan May
Ten Rules for Homeschool Convention Etiquette by Linda Brodsky
Confessions of a Convention Veteran by Adam Andrews
Mama, His hand is on your head tonight. So rest easy knowing His mercies are new every morning. If you feel like you are falling, spiraling, that things are out of control, then free-fall right into His hand (my BFF Deborah Wuehler taught me that). Fall where it matters. Fall where it’s safest.
“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds” (James 1:2, ESV).

Raising Real Men
Hal & Melanie Young, RaisingRealMen.com
Conventions Are Both Educational and Fun!
We remember our first conference well. It was a small event back then – but it was amazing! We had no idea how encouraging it would be to mingle with hundreds of other homeschooling families, browsing the exhibit hall and learning from experienced speakers. We were hooked, and we haven’t missed a year since!
That was a long time ago and yes, things change. Now you can access a world of information from your phone, you can buy anything online – and you can find homeschooling friends through social media. Why travel to a conference? Because conferences are so much more than that!
Nothing beats face-to-face.
You can talk with your favorite authors or teachers and to ask all you want to, one-on-one. You can chat with other homeschoolers in the trenches – friends you haven’t met yet! You can look through all the different curricula and ask questions, which can save you a lot of time and money.
Stepping away from the routine is rejuvenating.
Even Jesus and the disciples took time away from the day-to-day mission (Mark 6:30-32). Taking a few days away gives you a chance to look at “big picture” issues and upcoming challenges. You get perspective.
It can be a great couple’s getaway, too.
We love seeing husbands and wives sitting together in the sessions! It’s a great way to get on the same page – and we’ve seen lots of doubting parents put their fears to rest after going to a conference.
It’s good to remember we’re part of a community.
In many places, the Bible reminds us that God created us for fellowship – with Him, and with one another. The homeschooling movement is not a church and not a family, but it is a gathering of people on a similar quest. We love the energy and encouragement we find at conventions, and it reminds us we really aren’t alone in this adventure!
In Christ,
Hal and Melanie
P.S. We’re going to be speaking at conventions in Florida, Illinois, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia this year. Check our website for details!
About the author
Hal & Melanie Young are the award-winning, best-selling authors of Raising Real Men, No Longer Little, and Love, Honor, and Virtue. They are publishers, writers, bloggers, and popular conference speakers internationally, known for their Christ-centered focus and practical, real-life stories. They are the parents of six real boys (five grown!) and two real girls and live in noisy, messy happiness in North Carolina.

Lee Binz
Conventions Help You Homeschool Better
Successful homeschoolers invest in themselves and their vocation. You have chosen to homeschool, not been forced into it. Embrace this family-friendly, wholesome lifestyle by learning more on a regular basis. Learn more about homeschooling, and the job becomes so much easier. How do you learn more? The Convention’s the Thing!
What is a Homeschool Convention?
A homeschool convention is a gathering of homeschooling experts and curriculum vendors in one convenient location. They provide an opportunity to get motivation and inspiration to help you homeschool with excellence. It can get you through the dry spell, over the hump, to finish strong. A homeschool convention is a serious help for parents who are homeschooling.
Why is a Convention Important?
Homeschool parents are professional home educators. They don’t struggle to earn money, but their profession is a service to their children. A business professional takes continuing education to improve their skills. A successful homeschool parent does the same. A convention is an opportunity to gain the continuing education you need to homeschool your unique child and prepare for the year to come with the knowledge and curriculum for your best chance for success.
Where is a Homeschool Convention?
There are homeschool conventions in almost every state. Remote parents, and those unable to travel, can easily find online conventions and classes to help them continuously improve. You can get fresh ideas and targeted homeschool parent training on any budget. I offer free monthly classes at The HomeScholar, and the Silver Training Club provides five additional classes each month.
Who to See at Convention?
A homeschool convention is an opportunity to join with like-minded people, either in person or virtually. You will see that you are not alone. You have an opportunity to hear a variety of speakers, helping you in a wide array of topics. You can learn more about the “school” part and the “home” part of homeschooling. Take the time you need to be a better home educator, and you you’ll get more done with less stress. Homeschooling isn’t so hard when you learn the skills that make it easier.
About the author
Lee Binz, The HomeScholar, is a speaker and author of more than 30 books about homeschooling high school. An expert on homeschool transcripts and getting scholarships, Lee’s mission is to encourage and equip parents to homeschool through high school. Grab some of the complimentary homeschool resources from Lee and connect with her on Facebook and Instagram.

Look What’s Happening!
Deborah Wuehler and Angela Quigley from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine would love to meet you at the Midwest Parent Educators conference on April 1 and 2, 2022! Deborah will serve as a speaker as well. You can hear her speak on these topics:
- The Importance of the Bible in the Homeschool
- Reading Struggles & Overcoming Obstacles
- Homeschooling the Rebel
- Why The Teacher Should Be YOU!
- Homeschooling through Hardship
A division of The Old Schoolhouse®

SchoolhouseTeachers.com Corner
Did you know?
Every class is INCLUDED for ultimate members!
No limits.
SchoolhouseTeachers.com has a section dedicated to encouraging parents through their homeschool journey. Take a look through the Just For Parents section to see what SchoolhouseTeachers.com has to offer in courses, unit studies, and other resources all geared toward equipping you to be the best parent you can be.

Read this article
in the spring issue of
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.

How would you like the motivation and encouragement of a homeschool convention right in your hands? We’ve gathered the best and latest homeschool inspiration, advice, and more for you inside the spring issue of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine. But quantities are limited, so reserve yours today! www.GrabIssue.com.

Congratulations to Tina Ford from Grand Forks, North Dakota, who won our January giveaway!
Contest Corner
for the month of March
Skunk Tales: Making Sense Of Scents A Family Devotional

Lynn Marie Hurtado
Skunk Tales: Making Sense of Scents is a genuine and enjoyable family devotional for all ages. Skunk Tales includes thirty-six chapters of original stories from the author, Lynn Marie. The book foreword, written by the author’s friend, has some encouraging insight for parents and includes Scripture. In the “About this Book” section, Lynn Marie explains her inspiration for the book and how to use the book with your children.
All thirty-six chapters of Skunk Tales are just the right length. I usually run into issues with family devotionals being too short with not enough substance for my older children while still captivating the attention of the younger ones. Skunk Tales was the perfect balance of engaging and entertaining. The chapters were lighthearted, relatable, insightful, and plainly applied Scripture in our lives. I loved how many of the stories in the book used animals as a topic. All my children enjoy nature and learning more about animals.
The Scripture choices for the chapters were spot on. At the end of each chapter is a section called “Pooky’s Timeout,” which has a few different enrichment activities for the chapter. The discussion questions are thought-provoking, and we had some excellent conversations because of it! More Scripture, worship songs, prayer, a fun activity, and a way to apply the theme of the chapter are included. I especially enjoyed the idioms for every chapter!
Read the full review on our site from a mom with lots of details about using this as their family devotional.
Go to the contest page of our site where you can ENTER TO WIN Skunk Tales: Making Sense Of Scents.
Building Brilliant Minds

FREE Download: The Top Ten Reasons to Study Architecture and the Arts. This freebie from Building Brilliant Minds includes a reading and supply list for young designers + BONUS tips. The music, art/literature and architecture courses provide students hands-on learning experiences with challenging projects. The courses encourage critical thinking, as students are coached to design creative solutions—all done “with an element of FUN!” Building Brilliant Minds is project-based learning with a purpose! Go to www.buildingbrilliantmindsonline.com for your copy!
This free product and more are found in our 2022 Freebie Directory: TOS Freebie Directory – The Old Schoolhouse®
FREE E-book!
The Value of Homeschool Conventions

Are you discouraged with aspects of homeschooling? Have you fallen behind schedule? Do you have curriculum that’s not working for you? Do the textbook choices in catalogs make your head spin? Do you feel alone in your tedious, daily endeavors? Would talking to an expert help you? Attending a homeschool convention could really perk you up and encourage you, while adding a whole new perspective to your home learning atmosphere!
In the pages of this WeE-book™, you’ll find answers to your questions and important insights, guiding your path to that rewarding homeschool convention experience.
Find more freebies at The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Store: Freebies Archives – The Old Schoolhouse®

With the TOS Mobile App, search topics of interest spanning more than a decade, share articles, browse interactive content, and follow the links to hundreds of related resources. Each issue can also be downloaded and read offline.
Share this newsletter with a friend, and be sure to let those CONSIDERING homeschooling know about the enormous FREE info-pack which awaits them here: www.TryHomeschooling.com.
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