The Single Homeschool Mom
May 4, 2022
Deborah Wuehler
Never Alone
Todd Wilson
Single Mom, I Salute You
Stacy Farrell
The Road Worth Traveling “Alone”
Diane Heeney
Single Mama Homeschooling Tips
Be sure to scroll to the bottom to enter the contest and see the freebies of the month! |

Mercy Every Minute
Deborah Wuehler, TOS Senior Editor
Never Alone
Families who have been through various difficult hardships and are still homeschooling are some of my favorite heroes and examples of strong faith. Single homeschooling parents are no exception.
Is single-parent homeschooling possible? Yes, it is. Is it easy? Not typically. Yet, there are so many creative, dedicated, homeschooling dads and moms out there who are going it alone, and I am blown away by their conviction and commitment and creativity.
Are you a single-parent homeschooler? I applaud you! It is a tough road to follow. We do want to remind you that you are not alone: God is with you as you learn to be content with what you have. And, you don’t have to fear because He will help you! Hebrews 13:5,6 says it this way, “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as you have: for He has said, I will never leave you, nor forsake you; so that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.”
I also love what Psalm 68:6 says, “God sets the solitary in families” and we are so glad He has placed you into our TOS family. We pray that you never feel alone in this endeavor, so please reach out and let us know how we can pray for you or help you in any way.
In the meantime, I hope these articles from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine inspire you.
From Famine to Feast: How I Built My Writing, Editing and Coaching Business as a Single Homeschooling Mom by Mary Jo Tate
Reaching Beyond Our Family by Sheila Campbell
TEN Ways to Homeschool through Trials by Kerry Tittle
I encourage all of you to remember those single parents you know and ask the Lord, and ask them, how you can help. They will be eternally grateful!
“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world” (James 1:27).

Todd Wilson
Single Mom, I Salute You
Right now, life doesn‘t seem like it could be any busier or fuller. Not only are we busy speaking at Homeschool Conventions just about every weekend . . . but I feel like my family demands so much with all the activities, attitudes, and PEOPLE!
It’s the joy of parenting . . . yeah. I can’t even imagine how difficult parenting would be if I had to do it by myself, let alone try to homeschool. In fact, I’ll suggest the idiom—‘busier than a one-armed paperhanger’ be replaced by—‘busier than a single parent homeschooler.’
If you’ve found yourself in this situation, my hat of admiration goes off to you. I know you don’t feel very admirable. After talking to many single parent homeschooling moms, I know that most of them feel like failures. I know you often get “great” advice that you’ve got too much on your plate, have no business homeschooling your children, or that your children NEED to be in school.
Well, let me just say that the Greek word for that kind of advice is BALONEY! Even as a single parent, you’re perfect for homeschooling your children. In fact, your children might even need you to homeschool more than in a two-parent home. I won’t even pretend to give you any advice, because you’re doing just fine without my wisdom. So, let me just say, “Keep on!”
Mom, if you’re not a single homeschooling mom but know of one . . . remember that she needs your help, not your advice. She needs you to babysit so she can gather her thoughts or go out for coffee to vent. She needs you to invite her children over to play, to pray for her, and to encourage her often.
Be real,
About the author
Todd Wilson is a husband, dad, grandpa, writer, homeschool conference speaker, and former pastor. Todd’s humor and down to earth realness have made him a favorite speaker all across the country and a guest on Focus on the Family. As founder of The Familyman and The Smiling Homeschooler, his passion and mission are to remind moms and dads of what’s most important through weekly emails, podcasts, seminars, and books that encourage parents. Todd, and his wife Debbie, homeschool four of their eight children (the other four are homeschool graduates) in northern Indiana and travel America in the Familyman Mobile. You can read more at www.familymanweb.com.

Stacy Farrell
The Road Worth Traveling “Alone”
You Are Not Alone
We recently asked for advice and encouragement for single homeschool moms on our Facebook page—and our sweet community answered the call.
There was one piece of advice that stood apart from the rest:
You may be single, but you are not alone.
Lean in, dear Momma, to the One who will never leave you nor forsake you (Deut. 31:6).
Have You Heard the Whispers?
It’s often the words of friends and family that hurt the most. Even well-meaning strangers seem to have an unsolicited opinion to share.
“Are you sure you can handle homeschooling by yourself? Maybe you should just send your kids to public school.”
Homeschooling as a single mom is not only possible, but it may also be the best gift you can give to your children.
Encouragement for the Single Homeschool Mom
There is no such thing as the “one right way” to homeschool.
Ignore the naysayers—and silence your own doubt-filled thoughts. You can do this!
Here are a few tips from our Homeschool Adventure Facebook page:
- You are equipped.
No one is better suited to teach your children than you. Rest assured, the One who called you will also equip you (Hebrews 13:20-21).
- You don’t have to replicate the classroom.
Not only is it unnecessary, but it’s not even ideal. Homeschooling provides perks that typical schools can’t offer. Enjoy that freedom and flexibility.
- Don’t compare yourself to others.
You are operating within a different family dynamic. Avoid lamenting over your “blooper” reel while comparing it to another mom’s “highlight” reel.
- Ask for help when you need it.
Even in the best of circumstances, no one can do it all. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help.
- Take breaks.
Burning yourself out doesn’t benefit you or your children. Take time to recharge. Here are some tips for a day of rest.
- Don’t give up.
There will be hard days. That’s just life, and it happens to all of us—single or not. Pray without ceasing, and don’t give in to the whispers of the enemy.
Feel like you’re spinning too many plates—and one is about to fall? Try these time management strategies to help you regain a sense of calm and order.
His love,
P.S. Equip your students to write skillfully, think critically, and speak clearly as they explore the history of ideas—from a biblical worldview—with Philosophy Adventure
About the author
Surprised by Jesus, Stacy went from an unmarried, childless, 30-something career woman to a Christ-following wife of more than twenty-eight years with two sons she homeschooled K-12. She battled fear and overwhelm, but survived and thrived. Author of more than ten books—including the award-winning Philosophy Adventure—she loves to equip and encourage homeschool families. Visit her at HomeschoolAdventure.com
Accomplish Your Goals with These 5 Proven Time Management Strategies
Maximize your time and achieve your priorities. These strategies work because they’re realistic—no “Super Mom” superpowers needed. https://homeschooladventure.com/op/5-time-management-strategies-for-homeschool-moms/

Diane Heeney

Pillar of Faith
Diane Heeney – Single Mama Homeschooling Tips
On behalf of our single mama daughter, I borrowed from some friends’ brains to get tips for homeschooling our grandson. Want to listen in?
- Wait. If your child isn’t ready, don’t push it. Enjoy your freedom! If he or she is asking about letters and numbers, absolutely take their lead.
- Learn the legal guidelines for your state.
- Determine your child’s learning style. It may be different than yours!
- Remember that school can happen at night, weekends, afternoons—whatever works for your schedule!
- Use teachable moments—sort socks by size and color, have scavenger hunts as you shop or travel, or cook together.
- Demonstrate a love for learning, by example—do Mom-School alongside your child!
- Make reading time together a priority, and trips to the library an occasion!
- Use the help you have—grandparents, siblings, co-ops, or church friends for play groups/classes.
- Make use of good learning games and toys, and trustworthy educational websites like Reading Eggs, Sheppard Software, and Always Ice Cream. No shame! Do what works!
- Make your home conducive to learning—lots of books, great music, plenty of art supplies, outdoor exploring, and time to explore passions.
About the author
Diane Heeney is a graduate of Bob Jones University, where she served on faculty for ten years. She has been Assistant to the Director of Advertising Sales at The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine since 2016. She’s homeschooled her three children over the course of the past 18 years, having graduated their two oldest. Diane, her husband Patrick, and their youngest child, Katie, reside in eastern Wyoming.

Look What’s Happening in Virginia:
May 24, 2022
Home Educators of Rainbow Forest (HERF) Used Curriculum Sale & Elective EXPO
Troutville, Virginia
Join Heather Vogler of The Old Schoolhouse® and network about educational, recreational, artistic, and vocational service providers in the Greater Roanoke Valley. Shop the used curriculum sale for teaching, learning, and reading materials from other homeschooling families.
2022 HERF Used Curriculum Sale & Elective EXPO | Facebook

Let’s Write, Partner!
Be part of the Creative Writing Roundup: Animal Adventures publication with The Canadian Schoolhouse. God has blessed us with many ways to look after, learn about, and observe animals—from pets, 4-H, farms, and ranches to wildlife. All throughout May we’ll be giving out writing tips, whole courses (from SchoolhouseTeachers.com), and many other resources through email and video to inspire you to write your very own animal adventure. Writing submissions accepted from May 1 until May 31.
Sign up for The Creative Writing Roundup
Spring has sprung! New members may use code: SPRING22 for the Ultimate Annual Membership at SchoolhouseTeachers.com for only $189 (reg. $269.97). Code: MONTHLY22 locks them into a monthly rate of only $18.97 (reg. $29.97). Sorry, no refunds. “My children are absolutely loving the curriculum, and it’s taken homeschooling and made it fun again.” –Stephanie, British Columbia
A division of The Old Schoolhouse®

SchoolhouseTeachers.com Corner
Did you know?
Every class is INCLUDED for ultimate members!
No limits.
Being a single parent is a tough job. Surrounding yourself with the right support and encouragement helps ease the burden. At SchoolhouseTeachers.com, the Help Me Stay the Course resource has a combination of fifteen eBooks that will provide you with homeschool mom encouragement.!

Read this article
in the spring issue of
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.

The homeschool planner for smart mamas is here! Start planning your 2022–2023 school year now with the Schoolhouse SmartMamaTM Planner, brought to you by The Old Schoolhouse®. Customizable and unique, this planner is smart—like you. Cast light on your vision for a bright year of homeschooling with an inspiring lighthouse theme. Yours to download or print for $29 until May 31.
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine is now available for FREE online!
Click the graphic to read it cover to cover!
Download the free mobile apps at www.TOSApps.com.
Get the print issue here.
VIEW BACK ISSUES: Go here to access all back issues.

Congratulations to Taylor Courmier and Stevie Arledge, both from Texas, who won our March giveaway!
Contest Corner
for the month of May
See It and Say It Flip Flop Spanish (Level 1)

Flip n Flop Learning, LLC
When we received our box in the mail, it was great to see that all components we needed for the program were already included in the small box. First, there was a complete printout of the 45-lesson curriculum on double-sided, hole-punched, sturdy paper. Also included is a USB flash drive with four CDs worth of MP3 audio lessons narrated by Sra. Gose. The flash drive goes through all four semesters of learning. The box set includes 135 flashcards to complement the paper curriculum and audio learning. The flashcards give hands-on learners something tactile to use to form sentences and learn vocabulary. There were even a few card-holder pages to hold flashcards in place when building sentences. Lastly, there was a dry erase paddle and marker to use for practicing writing in Spanish.
We used this program one to two times per week. One lesson includes three sessions that are about 15 minutes each. As the homeschool teacher, I prepared the lesson by selecting the flashcards and setting up the CD tracks. We would play through each MP3 audio lesson two times as we followed along with narration by Sra. Gose. The third time, I would read the lessons aloud from the printed curriculum with my daughters to ensure they followed along. My daughters are in middle school so we used the text side of the flashcards primarily, but there is a picture side, as well, for younger learners.
Sra. Gose gives students her email and encourages them to interact and send her sentences and work if they have questions. At the end of the two-year curriculum, you and your students will be exposed to about 350-500 Spanish words and be familiar with present tense and many grammar topics.
Read the whole review on our site with much more information.
Go to the contest page of our site where you can ENTER TO WIN the whole 2-year program of See It and Say It Flip Flop Spanish (Level 1).
EdAlive Online Learning

Massive collection of FREE resources including over 17,000 Interactive Playable Activities covering math, reading and word skills, Printable Math Worksheets for Pre-K to Grade 10, Typing Tip Posters to help your children master the skill of touch typing, and Handwriting Wall Charts. EdAlive is honored to be able to support the education of children from all over the world. These high-quality resources are suitable for school classrooms, homeschoolers, and families. These FREE resources have been drawn from EdAlive’s suite of Online Learning Websites. No signup needed, just click and play!
This free product and more are found in our 2022 Freebie Directory: TOS Freebie Directory – The Old Schoolhouse®
FREE E-Book!
Home Improvement

Does your homeschool or your spiritual home need a little “home improvement”? Isn’t it always worth the effort in the end? Read about the application of home improvement in your physical home, homeschool, and spiritual home.
Find more freebies at The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Store: Freebies Archives – The Old Schoolhouse®

With the TOS Mobile App, search topics of interest spanning more than a decade, share articles, browse interactive content, and follow the links to hundreds of related resources. Each issue can also be downloaded and read offline.
Share this newsletter with a friend, and be sure to let those CONSIDERING homeschooling know about the enormous FREE info-pack which awaits them here: www.TryHomeschooling.com.
We Want Your Feedback! |
If you liked today’s Homeschool Minute, please email the editors and tell us what part you liked most. It’s a huge blessing to receive feedback! Please add publisher@theoldschoolhouse.com to your email contacts so that our emails to you don’t land in spam. |