Why Are They Always Hungry? Meal Planning Help
November 6, 2024
Deborah Wuehler
What to Keep in the Kitchen
Todd Wilson
The Familyman’s Guide to No-Guilt Meal Planning
Dianne Riveiro
Meal Planning Tips
Heidi Mosher
Meal Planning with a Revolving Door

Mercy Every Minute
Deborah Wuehler, TOS Senior Editor
What to Keep in the Kitchen
Having a plan for meals is a very helpful tool for busy homeschool families. On top of that, it is a powerful life skill to train all your little eaters to be little cooks. It actually starts with that baby on your hip while you are stirring that soup. Then, you push that chair up to the counter so the toddler can stand and watch you. You eventually give that growing child a task and let them help.
Yes, you will be cleaning the counter, the floor, the cupboards, and your little one. Eventually, they make fewer messes and you let them help prep daily meals. Though having children in the kitchen may make meals take longer, that extra work when they are young will be a blessing to you when they are older.
Week after week turns to year after year, until soon that chair disappears, and a good cook appears in your kitchen. Now that’s true meal planning all the way from toddlerhood to adulthood!
On those days/seasons when it is too overwhelming to plan ahead, I make sure I keep three things in the kitchen: a meat, a vegetable (or salad), and a side dish (fruit, rice, pasta, or bread).
Oh, make that four things I keep in the kitchen: a child.
Here is a one-week meal plan from the archives:
Go-To Meals for Busy Back-to-School Nights (theoldschoolhouse.com)
More on Meal Planning through our magazine Issue Library
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Todd Wilson
The Familyman’s Guide to No-Guilt Meal Planning
Okay, giving advice on meal planning is a first for me, but I’m up for the challenge. So, here is the Familyman’s Guide to No-Guilt Meal Planning.
1. If your dog won’t lick the plates afterward, then don’t serve it.
2. Sugar is not poison.
3. Just because it comes in a box, plastic package, or a can does not mean it’s evil.
4. Macaroni and cheese served with hot dogs is the perfect meal.
5. If you want to serve macaroni and cheese and hot dogs twice in one week . . . that’s Okay.
6. If cooking something from scratch makes you cry or causes great emotional distress, then don’t cook from scratch (see rule 3).
7. Teach your children to cook and then make them do it . . . for school.
8. Serve Twinkies for dessert to your gourmet friends the next time they come over. If you are a natural-only foods eater, stop reading this email, get in your car, run to the store, buy a box of Twinkies, and serve them for dessert tonight to your family (they’re going to love you).
9. If you like Frosted Flakes for breakfast, whatever you do, don’t hide the boxes in the back of the pantry. Consider displaying them on top of your refrigerator to let people know where you stand.
10. Remember Jesus told us it isn’t what goes into a man (woman or child) that makes him unclean but what comes out (of his mouth). (Matthew 15:11). See rule 8.
11. Avoid articles, books, or people that discuss the spiritual qualities of eating only what you can pick from your front yard.
12. If you enjoy gourmet cooking, eating organically, and grinding your own . . . whatever, enjoy it . . . just keep it to yourself. Oh, and don’t write mean letters to me.
13. And last but not least . . . Be Real!
Bon Appetit!
Chef Todd