Tips to Plan and Initiate Your Homeschool Schedule

Many who know me, know I am a planner. So, it is very easy for me to plan our homeschool days. But many have asked how I plan and initiate our homeschool schedule. Allow me to share three tips that have worked for our family.
I write everything down in my datebook, including school time. I schedule school to begin at 9:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, but I am flexible when we have to adjust for doctor’s appointments. Consider work, music lessons, sports, and appointments – write them all down – then plan your school time.
We have a daily schedule, and my girls complete their subjects in the same order, every school day. Here are our ordered subjects: Bible, History, Foreign Language, Spelling, English, Math, Science, and then Reading. I use the same curriculum with all three girls for Bible and History, so we complete these subjects first and then they complete the other subjects independently.
Don’t just schedule school time. Students need fun time! Be sure to schedule play dates and field trips – these can be fun and educational, too!
Above all, remember to be flexible! Life happens. One of the joys of homeschooling is having the flexibility to rearrange our school week. Sure, we aim for every Friday off, but when doctor’s appointments come during the week, we adjust and sometimes even bring school with us on the road.
Happy Homeschooling!
Welcome to My Happy Homeschool! My name is Susan Reed and my heart’s desire is to encourage the homeschool mom to live out God’s calling and stay the course.