Tis The Season To Find Stories

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stories from history


Blessed is the child who loves old books—in particular old, Christ-honoring, historical books. Why? Because many western historical accounts are bursting with stories; stories that have withstood the erosion of time. One example that always reminds me of the gripping power old stories hold is Of Plymouth Plantation.

This Thanksgiving season, as I’m reading Bradford’s eye-witness account, I’m transported to a different world: a world where one of the smallest minorities in history seek liberty to worship their God. Huddled with the tiny band of men, women, and children, I listen as fear and courage collide in their hushed tones. The friction between conviction and cultural resistance eventually kindles a spark, a spark to “seek peace and worship of God above all else.” As the tiny flame gains attention, persecution befalls our forefathers and mothers in their native England, and I hold my breath lest they be crushed under the pressure to compromise. Yet, strengthened by the Almighty, they stand. But peace is just as important to them as strength. So they move. After a sojourn in Holland for twelve years, they make the world-shaking decision to cross the salty waters west. Once on board the Mayflower, I lose myself watching their small candle nearly swallowed by the treacherous deep and then pale as disease devours half their number during that first New England winter. But in the end, death, the sea, and tyranny fall defeated. The light of the Pilgrim’s conviction grows and spreads reaching down to you and me.

Can you see what the stories of history have to offer us? And yet, the tale of the Pilgrims is only one of many during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. While the world is focused on football, greed, and ourselves, what if we led our children to unearth stories of the past—stories of their past? Good, true stories of God working in the affairs of men give a child hope, comfort, and a sense of purpose and place in God’s grand plan for man. Here are some important Christian/American events for November and December to help launch your family.

Important November Birthdays

Martin Luther
Daniel Boone
President James Polk
Abigail Adams
President James Garfield
President Franklin Pierce
President Zachary Taylor
John Bunyan

Important November Events

Articles of Confederation adopted by the Continental Congress
The Gettysburg Address
Celebration of Thanks by the Plymouth Pilgrims

Important December Birthdays

President Martin Van Buren
First Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court John Jay
Declaration Signer Benjamin Rush
Sir Isaac Newton
President Andrew Jackson
Traditional Western celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth

Important December Events

Bombing of Pearl Harbor
Ratification of the Bill of Rights
The Boston Tea Party
Ratification of the 13th Amendment

Learn the stories that made the people or events that most interest your children. And as much as possible, include eye-witness accounts. While I realize not every family has the time or ability to read old manuscripts, I nonetheless encourage you to familiarize your children with the old words so they will not be intimidated by the old way of writing. Facts are not stories. Eye-witness accounts have a spirit, depth, and memorableness that modern accounts can not match. But most of all, they give your children history’s stories. Learn from the past, and your children will reap the rewards.


Kenzi Knapp is a follower of Christ, homeschool graduate and student of history. A fourth generation Missourian she enjoys writing about daily life enrolled in Gods great course of faith and His story throughout the ages at her blog, Honey Rock Hills.

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).