Virtual Reality and Chores

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Sometimes in life, virtual reality seems like a good idea. This world is stressful; it would be nice to take a break and visit somewhere beautiful, peaceful, and quiet. For some people, their virtual destination would be a fun game that they can play alone or with friends. When you don’t feel like dealing with the world, Netflix, Hulu, and other digital sources provide a stress-free alternative where you can temporarily leave your worries behind and engage your mind in whatever suits you: “reality television,” comedies, mysteries, sports…the list is endless.

Life can be a burden, like a never-ending list of chores. When you look at everything that needs to be done, it can be overwhelming. For Christians, we have God’s Spirit in our hearts (Acts 2:38) and a family of fellow believers that can help us bear our burdens and remind us to rely on God for strength when we’re weak, help when we’re feeling helpless, guidance when we’re feeling lost, hope when we’re feeling hopeless, and a promise of eternal life waiting for those who faithfully follow God’s Word and surrender themselves to His will.

I remember a conversation we had regarding chores in the older adult Sunday class that I teach. A question arose about whether kids should be paid for their chores. One of the members of the class said that room and board was payment enough for doing chores. Many parents feel that way, and their logic is sound. When he finished sharing his opinion, I shared why we pay our kids for their chores. First, it shows them one of the benefits of working: a paycheck. It helps them develop a strong work ethic and see the value of doing a good job. Second, it gives them an opportunity to earn something that they want by saving up money until they have enough for what they purchase. Third, it helps them develop the habit of tithing. We encourage them to give at least 10% of whatever they make or receive as their tithe to God and His Church. While tithing is important and shows our faith in God, we’re going to focus on the second reason in the following paragraph.

In case you’re wondering what chores and virtual reality have in common, it’s not what some of you might think: kids would rather enjoy virtual reality than do chores. While that is true, that’s not the point. Let’s be honest. Most of us would rather immerse ourselves in virtual reality than do chores. As I tell my kids, that’s why they’re called chores. No one wants to do them. If they were fun, they wouldn’t be called chores. I digress (often). The actual connection between virtual reality and chores is this. My middle son saw a pair of virtual reality glasses at our church’s New Year’s Eve party for teens. After using them, he fell in love. From that point on, he just had to have them. Our response was simple: start saving. Saving is what he did. He finally saved up enough money for the purchase this week, went to Wally World (as I like to call it), and made the purchase. He actually did a happy dance. His hard work and diligent saving paid off. He was able to buy what he wanted. In a world where people love to get “something for nothing,” my son learned a different way of thinking and living: work, earn, and save. It coincides nicely with what Paul says to the church in Thessalonica in 2 Thessalonians 3:10, “If any man would not work, neither shall he eat.” It also matches nicely with what we read in the book of James about faith and works: “Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead” and “I will show you my faith by my works” (James 2:17-18). While we’re not saved by works, the faith God expects from us should lead us to work for Him, serving Him faithfully in our daily lives.

While we’re talking about chores, let me share an observation with you. Chapter 1 of my online Spanish 2 class at includes things like chores, morning routines, and house descriptions. As my students discuss their chores (or lack thereof), I find out that some of my students don’t have to do any chores. The presence or absence of chores in my students’ lives often coincides with how much or little they work in my class. Chores can produce a work ethic in students that will benefit them in school and beyond. Ask yourself the following questions: What type of kids do I want to raise? What can I do to help them become the person that I want them to be? Do they know the value of hard work? Can people see their love for God in the choices they make? If not, maybe it’s time to hand them a scrub brush and get to work.

Dan Hildebrand

Spanish teacher –


This world is stressful

1 Comment to “ Virtual Reality and Chores”

  1. Jenny says :Reply

    I appreciate your thoughtful comment on why you chose to pay your kids for chores . You respectfully disagreed in a way that kept the conversation going. Very nice.

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