We Want You!

Do you have a passion for a subject that you’d like to share? Are you interested in joining some of the world’s leading educators as an expert Teacher supporting homeschool families everywhere? You may have just what we’re looking for in new Schoolhouse Teachers for The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine’s SchoolhouseTeachers.com!
You could join the best of the best: Literature expert Adam Andrews, history teacher Jennifer Courtney, writing teacher and coach Janice Campbell, Australian mathematics expert Peter Price, archaeologist and historian Regan Barr, and dozens of others!
We’re looking for folks with semester or half-semester length course proposals to join our expert Teacher staff. We’ll look at all academic subjects, preschool through high school, but we’re especially looking for material in these areas:
• American history
• Sciences (including anatomy and upper-level sciences)
• Mathematics (especially middle school math and advanced high school maths)
• Reading comprehension
• Reluctant writers
• Foreign languages
• Electives—join our growing and impressive list: our electives include music like guitar, violin, and music theory; filmmaking; sewing; media studies; social justice; and many more.
We’re looking to start courses in late spring, late summer, fall, and even 2015.
TOS Magazine will promote you in numerous ways: magazine ads, our popular The Homeschool Minute® eBlast, newsletters, 24/7 social media, and through full-page ad space you earn for your business. Plus, you receive a free membership to SchoolhouseTeachers.com for the entire time you are a teacher!
If you have an idea you’d like to share, write to Bob Irvin, Executive Editor of SchoolhouseTeachers.com, and we’ll discuss your ideas. You can reach him at birvin@theoldschoolhouse.com.
What are you waiting for? Let us hear your ideas and let’s work together to bless families around the world!