What Will You Be When You Grow Up?

It only took me 43 years to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up. Though I entered college as a Spanish major and changed my major four times, my current career doesn’t even resemble any of those. There are so many possibilities, and our talents and interests really need to be explored before we decide willy-nilly on a career choice. Career Exploration with Carol Topp is an eight-week course for middle and high schoolers. Through informative articles, self-inventory worksheets, relevant websites, and true stories, students can explore career possibilities, discover their talents and interests, and learn how to discern God’s will for their lives. One possible career is working as an advertising writer. If you’ve never considered that career, take a look at Writing: Advertising Copy with Sharon Watson. This three-week mini-course helps students incorporate the methods used in advertising in their own writing and helps them identify those methods when they see them in advertising they read. This course touches on some of the emotions that advertising appeals to. Every writer can benefit and improve their communication skills by learning how to use the tools employed in writing advertising, even if the writer is not trying to sell a product.
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s® SchoolhouseTeachers.com
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC