What’s New on SchoolhouseTeachers.com
With the school year in full swing, have you seen everything SchoolhouseTeachers.com has to offer your family? Take a look at these fast facts:
#1: Curriculum arm of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.
#2: 70+ classes – only one fee – no added fees ever
#3: Self-paced classes – start whenever you like
#4: One low fee for entire family!
#5: Printable lessons; some have videos
#6: Teachers happy to answer questions
#7: Extras! Planners, E-Books, Achievement Certificates, Members-Only Discounts, and Expo recordings
#8: Classes available 24/7/365
#9: Classes from Preschool to High School
#10: Attendance records, report cards, and more!
#11: Art, Drama, Computer Technology, 3 Foreign Languages, 10 Electives
#12: Current and archived lessons!
#13: New classes coming!
#14: Preschool material coming soon
#15: Choose from: 10 History/Geography, 5 Math, 3 Music/Instrument, and more!
#16: Choose from: 12 Reading/Writing/Spelling, 7 Science, Special Needs help, Just for Parents, and more!
#17: Customer Service happy to help you navigate and use the site
Bonnie Rose Hudson
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s® SchoolhouseTeachers.com
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC
Come Exploring with Jake at http://writebonnierose.wordpress.com/