What’s New on SchoolhouseTeachers.com in Trigonometry

Last month, Martha Candler introduced us to the world of trigonometry. If you are comfortable with the work so far, dive into this month’s. If you’re not ready yet, hang in there and work with the first four lessons until you’ve got them down. And please send Martha any questions you might have. She loves to hear from students and wants very much for you to understand and grasp these new skills.
This month, Martha is going to teach us about graphing the tangent function, reciprocal functions, and working with inverse functions. She’ll also help us learn how to work with basic identities—how to use them and verify others.
Come on, what are you waiting for? Martha Candler and SchoolhouseTeachers.com are here to help. Let’s tackle trigonometry together!
Bonnie Rose Hudson
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s® SchoolhouseTeachers.com
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC
Come Exploring with Jake at http://writebonnierose.wordpress.com/