Homeschooling with Heart Blog

What’s New on—Schoolhouse Preschool

/ / Blog, Schoolhouse Teachers

Have you checked out the brand new Schoolhouse Preschool yet? It’s full of great curriculum, fun activities, and resources designed especially for preschoolers! Here are just a few of the things you’ll find:


• The Homegrown Preschooler team of Kathy Lee and Lesli Richards deliver a new lesson every week full of fun ways you can help your little one develop good home habits, social/emotional skills, gross motor skills, and more. This month’s focus is on family, apples, and orderliness.

• Playing and Learning My ABCs with Beth Gorden and Sensory Learning for Toddlers will learn about shapes and making art like an elephant when you learn E is for Elephant.


• Enjoy the Come and Color with Me: Dinosaur 1-2-3 printable coloring book, practicing counting 1-10 as well as some fun color by number sheets.


• Don’t miss more than 60 printable certificates in our Certificate Gallery. Celebrate milestones like saying the ABCs, brushing your teeth, or even helping to bake bread for the first time!





Bonnie Rose Hudson
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC

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