This Week at SchoolhouseTeachers ~ Lapbooking, Ditch the Desk, Everyday Games

How many of you love lapbooking? Did you know that Niki Coburn McNeil from In the Hands of a Child brings members a new lapbook every month? Members have access to each new month’s lapbook, plus more than a dozen of Niki’s previous units. Come join Niki for lapbooks about everything ranging from squirrels and rhinoceroses to the life of J.R.R. Tolkien and classic works from Edgar Allen Poe. Explore photography, summer safety, Italian painters, and so much more!
While we’re on the subject of hands-on activities, have you been taking advantage of Inger Koppenhaver’s monthly Ditch the Desk units on the Schoolhouse Dailies tab? Inger’s lessons are fun and exciting ways to explore math, English, science, and other subjects without being tied to a textbook. She’ll take you from the kitchen to outside to down the street, but she won’t leave you stuck at a desk! Come enjoy math in the garden, frontier photography, and more! The sky is the limit when you Ditch the Desk!
Don’t miss a new board game every weekday from Teresa Evans and Everyday Games. These bright and colorful board games are easy to print and play, requiring very little prep work while providing tons of enjoyment for your children! Pull up a chair and let Teresa show you how to have so much fun practicing math and reading skills your kids might forget they are learning!
In addition, brings you access to more than fifty classes ranging from Pre-K to 12th grade. Stop by and see what we have to offer at, the curriculum arm of The Old SchoolhouseÒ Magazine!
Bonnie Rose Hudson
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC