What’s the Connection?

There is a connection between geology and biology, and Ruth Sundeen will be discussing that connection this month in her Biology class. She will also be taking a close-up look at using microscopes and examining organisms from the Kingdom Monera and Kingdom Archaea. (Please note, however, that microscopes are not required for this class. Ruth includes photographs of the slides being examined.) Join Patrick Nurre as he continues his national park tour in Geology. During the month of August, he will be teaching us about Mt. Rainier National Park, Mt. Lassen National Park, Petrified Forest National Park, and Carlsbad Caverns. If you have a chance to visit one of these places or the others he has discussed, the information learned from this class will greatly enhance your visit.
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s® SchoolhouseTeachers.com
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC
Living Life As It Unfolds