Why We Homeschool

We’ve all been asked, “Why do you homeschool?”
I always give a different answer depending on where I am, what I am doing, and how much time I have until the kids get antsy.
Putting down my answer in words gave me clarity and helped me remember some basics that I can now share quickly.
Here are the reasons we homeschool.
Joy of Having My Children Home
My children have never attended public or private school but have been educated at home. Homeschooling is a HUGE source of JOY in my life. I enjoy spending time with my children so much that I never wanted them to be at school for 6 hours a day instead of at home with me.
They are curious and interested and excited – easy to teach. I love learning together with my children; there is always something new to discover and things to explore.
In our home, we like each other and are building lifelong friendships for the future.
Quality Education
We live in a time where education tends to be more about exposure and indoctrination than old-fashioned learning. I want my children to get an education and to learn to think logically in light of Scripture.
My educational goals tend to be higher than anything except the most expensive of private schools. What a privilege for my students to have a personal curriculum scope chosen specifically for them according to their strengths and giftings by their loving mother.
In our house, we have read many excellent works of literature, as well as classic works that changed the world. There is a big difference from reading about a book like Uncle Tom’s Cabin and actually reading the novel. It is amazing, and once you read it, you understand why it changed the world.
Everyone talks about Wealth of the Nations and Communist Manifesto, but did you know your high school students can read those books? This will give them a clear picture of free-market economics (Wealth of the Nations) and help them understand the true aims of communism (Communist Manifesto).
In high school, we take a year of English to read golden age classic mysteries and write our own Who Dun It novel. They could never do that in public school.
For more info on writing a cozy mystery in high school, read, 10 Questions Answered about Who Dun It High School English Course HERE.
If my children can’t understand the math series that all their siblings excelled with, we can try something new that will work with their learning style. It isn’t a cookie-cutter education.
Making Disciples at Home
Education is ultimately from the Good Teacher or the destroying deceiver.
Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The Word of God is true. Our education is based on the Bible, as the foundation of all truth. The Bible speaks to all aspects of life including economics, politics, history, literature, music, art, architecture, and every other subject. We learn truth from the Source of all truth and His Word!
There is plenty in the world from the destroying deceiver. He instills confusion, doubt, and rebellion at every turn. In contrast, I want to teach my children what is true.
Do you need help nurturing a teachable heart in your sons and daughters? Read 4 Ways to Cultivate a Teachable Heart in Your Children HERE.
Family Unity & Ministry
As a family, we are committed to making disciples and changing the world with the power of God. Homeschooling is all about discipling my children, training them to pass the torch and to make disciples themselves.
We are a family with a focus: Jesus and His Great Commission.
For me, making disciples start with my children. I want to teach them about wonderful Jesus, lead them to salvation, and help them grow in their young faith.
We don’t just go to church together; we serve at church together. We reach out to people in the community. This cultivates a heart of compassion in our son and daughters.
How about You?
Every family is different, and you have your own reasons for homeschooling. Why not write them down like I did? Next time you are in line at the grocery store with a fussy baby and someone asks you “Why are you homeschooling?” you’ll remember what to say.
Until next time, Happy Homeschooling!
Meredith Curtis, homeschooling mom, writer, speaker, and curriculum creator, loves to encourage families in their homeschooling adventure. She teaches online at True North Homeschool Academy and is the author of Economics, Finances, and Business 1-credit high school course, American Literature & Research 1-credit high school course, and HIS Story of the 20th Century. You can check out her books, curricula, unit studies, and Bible studies at PowerlineProd.com, read her blog at PowerlineProd.com, and listen to her at Finish Well Podcast.