How to Write for TOS
We are always looking for excellent, original content for The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine—articles that will inform, inspire, and encourage homeschoolers worldwide. Whether you’re a homeschooling parent yourself, a homeschool graduate, or someone who observes and supports homeschoolers, your article should reflect a topic you’re passionate about, one that is dear to your heart, and one with which you have direct experience.
Take a look at the themes we’ll feature in future issues (found on the “Writer’s Guidelines” page). Are any of those subject areas ones in which you’ve had particular success—or failure? Within our list of future themes, if you don’t see a subject that inspires you, don’t give up. You can still pitch your story to us and it might inspire us to use your topic as a future theme!
If you have information that can be useful to others—information that will help them succeed as they educate their children and prepare them to be servants of God—we want to hear it!
Please review several back issues of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine to get a feel for our style and to ensure you are not duplicating someone else’s work on the same topic. Check with your homeschool friends to discover what they most want to read about.
Make sure to review our Writer’s Guidelines for specifics on Word Count and compensation before writing your article.
Reprint Permission Guidelines
The Old Schoolhouse® allows reprints of some articles that have appeared in the magazine. For more information on how to reprint a specific article, contact Deb Wuehler at or Gena Suarez at and provide the article title, author, and issue in which the article was published. TOS also has a service where homeschool groups, websites, and other interested contacts are sent articles periodically to reprint or post on websites or blogs.