Eyewitness History: Hunger and the Great Depression


What was the Great Depression like? How did that generation develop the “never give up” spirit? Are there lessons we can learn today from the Great Depression and apply those lessons to our own homes?


What was the Great Depression like? How did people survive during those years and World War II that followed? How did that generation develop the “never give up” spirit and pass it along to the following generation? Are there lessons we can learn today from the Great Depression?

Learn and reflect on the Great Depression and WWII with . . .Eyewitness History: Hunger and the Great Depression –A WeE-book™ By Deborah Wuehler and Dr. Ruth Beechick. Dr. Beechick shares her first-person experience of living through the Great Depression and World War II. You do not want to miss this glimpse into her family’s life during those difficult years!

After the Depression hit, my father lost his railroad job. Before coming home that day he stopped at a friend’s hardware store, and together they created a job for him. If someone bought a screen door, for instance, they would ask, “Would you like us to install it for you?” With that plan my father worked for several years, making $1 a day, until Union Pacific hired him back. –Dr. Ruth Beechick

Deborah Wuehler shares wisdom she has gleaned from studying the Great Depression and World War II. She encourages us to apply what we learn from history to our own homes and homeschooling today. See history through fresh eyes in the pages of this WeE-book™:

  • Hunger: Have you ever been hungry−really hungry? What was it like during the 1930-40s?
  • Frugality: How did families in the Great Depression era use all that they had available and not waste a thing? How can our present society learn the same?
  • Food: Where did Dr. Beechick’s family find food during those lean years? How did they have enough to share with others?
  • Learning From History: What led to the Great Depression and World War II? Was there a time of “forget about God and live for today”? Does our present society fit that description?
  • Spiritual Depression: “Has our Christian walk been up and down; similar to living it up in the 1920s and then into a depression in the 1930s?” “What have we been storing up and feeding our spirits?”
  • Spiritual Desire: How can one get out of a spiritual depression?

Are we putting trust in our own seemingly good ideas or in God’s precepts? Is our own little empire on the verge of collapse as we fall into a spiritual type of depression? –Deborah Wuehler


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