Fast Track to Memorization


Does your child struggle to remember all kinds of facts? Would you like to learn how to make facts stick so they can be retrieved when needed? How can you use the amazing power of the ditty to relieve your child’s frustration?


Does your child struggle to remember all kinds of facts? Would you like to learn how to make facts stick so they can be retrieved when needed? How can you use the amazing power of the ditty to relieve your child’s frustration?

Discover how ditties can help turn the daunting task of memorization into fun and lasting learning when you read the WeE-book™ . . .The Fast Track to Memorization By Carol Barnier

In this helpful and informative WeE-book™, you will see how to transform the difficult into the simple, just by setting facts to a rhythm . . . and making them rhyme! Spark your memory and learn a few new ditties as you discover how to incorporate this useful method into your school day. Just a few simple tips, and you’ll be on your way to helping your kids memorize facts each and every day! Get into the rhythm of teaching facts!

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).