Mastering the Grading Process: What Every Parent Should Know


Is assigning accurate grades enough to erode your sense of confidence? Correct some common misunderstandings, understand basic evaluation principles, and develop good habits in your grading process.


Is assigning accurate grades enough to erode your sense of confidence? Are you applying grading procedures from your past without understanding them? Do you have the overwhelming impression that your best efforts are inconsistent? Grading is both a science and an art. Learn to grade with confidence in the WeE-book™:

Mastering the Grading Process: What Every Parent Should Know By Inge P. Cannon

Correct some common misunderstandings, understand basic evaluation principles, and develop good habits in your grading process.

Topics Include:

  • Letter grades
  • Grading methods
  • Necessary changes to the grading process with age progression.
  • Accuracy and Consistency


  • Steps for calculating an accurate GPA
  • Instructions for listing goals for projects and courses
  • Advice for detailing objectives for specific activities

Grade papers with confidence.

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